The magic of Hope started for me exactly a year ago.
My husband and I were out on a dog walk and I was feeling blah – moping along, complaining about feeling uninspired, not typically joyful and really, unmotivated to do much more than go through the paces of my life. We had (and have!) a great life – we’re blessed with employment, health for ourselves and those we love, and a warm, cozy home to continuing growing into. There was literally nothing to complain about.
I was still complaining.
The irony was this day was Remembrance Day, a Canadian stat holiday to focus on those that served, and continue to serve, our country to keep us safe.
See, nothing to complain about.
As I’ve talked about before, scope and scale matters when it comes to our feelings, our attitudes and frankly, our hope. And on this walk, my husband said to me, “what are you going to do to change it?”and Expert in Hope was born from that motivation to action.
Exactly a year ago to this day.
And on this day, I’m thankful for you and this work and my research and the humans that have embraced Hope. I remember what it feels like every time I talk about hope and action and science and motivation and I am empowered and inspired each time. The light I see in people’s eyes as they realize they’ve found their hope is just awesome. When people listen to my podcast and send me messages about how they can relate to the guests and the stories that have inspired them, it’s just the best.
I started this work from a very personal place and you keep making it more personal. Thank you for all your support and kindness and encouragement. Throughout this next year, you’re going to see an evolution of my work and more focus on psychological health & safety as well as Emergenetics, dedicated conversations with men and boys and an increased resource library complete with truly actionable tips for implementing action-based hope in all our lives.
I’m super pumped so thanks for being along for the ride!