We know that employee wellness is important, and that leaders need to be taking care of their people. But coming up with a wellness plan and actually integrating it into the workplace can be daunting, confusing, and leave leadership wondering if it’s worth it.
Today’s guest, however, has been able to successfully build and implement a workplace wellness plan for her organization, and she’s here to inspire you to create your own. Backed by numerous studies and personal experience, Karen Pearce is passionate about supporting the overall health and wellness of her people to improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Together we’ll discuss building resilience in teams and leaders, the importance of leadership buy-in when it comes to implementing these types of wellness programs, and different ideas you can use in your own workplace.
Listen in and discover the power a workplace wellness program can have at your own organization.
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About Karen Pearce
A Calgary native, Karen Pearce currently oversees business operations for all Western Canada, at McCann Worldgroup Canada, a global advertising network. She’s a leader who is not afraid to get her hands dirty, bringing an unbridled passion for ideas that move business forward.
Karen has always been drawn to companies that are building from the ground up; from opening the TAXI office in Calgary for their Westjet client, to building up the Vancouver office for the TELUS client, she knows what it takes to scale and that is to build from the inside out; start with your core purpose and align everyone to that vision.
Her personal purpose evolved as she brought together her interest in holistic, integrative health and seeing the gap in supporting advertising employees more holistically. This resulted in the launch of an unconventional resilience program at McCann called MFit, which supports wellness & work-life habits for the purpose of mental, physical, and emotional resilience.
To learn more, you can connect with McCann on LinkedIn.
Mentioned in This Episode:
- Aflac Report
- HBR: How to Design a Corporate Wellness Plan That Actually Works
- WellSteps Research
- Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath
- Stanford Study Finds Walking Improves Creativity
- Join the monthly subscription
Lindsay Recknell 0:07
Welcome to Mental Health In Minutes, where we open the door to conversations about workplace mental health, and help leaders and HR professionals create safe and innovative organizations for our employees and our companies to thrive. I am your host, Lindsay Recknell, the psychological health and safety advisor, a workplace mental health consultant, speaker, facilitator and an expert in hope.
Lindsay Recknell 0:28
Each episode of this show has three objectives, to discuss the future of mental health in the workplace. To identify the best, most successful strategies for opening the door to mental health conversations at work, and to share the top ways we can engage our leadership in the workplace mental health conversation, and have them endorse and pay for a positive culture shift within our organizations.
Lindsay Recknell 0:50
If you’re listening to this podcast, you know that our people need us more than ever, but most of our organizations have a long way to go until supporting employee wellness is embedded in the culture of our workplace. This episode is a resource you can use to start and continue workplace mental health conversations, and my guests will share their experiences and what’s worked for them. Excited to get going. So let’s dig in.
Lindsay Recknell 1:10
Today’s guest is Karen Pearce. She is the president of McCann Worldgroup, Canada currently overseeing business operations for all of Western Canada for this global advertising network. She’s a leader who is not afraid to get her hands dirty, bringing an unbridled passion for ideas that move businesses forward. Karen has always been drawn to companies that are building from the ground up from opening the taxi office in Calgary for their westjet client to building up the Vancouver office for the TELUS client. She knows what it takes to scale and that is to build from the inside out. Start with your core purpose and align everyone to that vision.
Lindsay Recknell 1:45
Her personal purpose evolved as she brought together her interest in holistic integrative health, and seeing the gap and supporting advertising employees more holistically. This resulted in the launch of an unconventional resilience program at McCann called Mfit, which supports wellness and work life habits for the purpose of mental, physical and emotional resilience.
Lindsay Recknell 2:04
Karen is also the mother of two daughters, wife to one husband, and they live in Calgary, where they enjoy dance, music, art, experimenting in the kitchen and finding all of the nature they can welcome to the show, Karen.
Karen Pearce 2:17
thank you so much. Thank you for having me.
Lindsay Recknell 2:19
It is such a pleasure to have you here. From our initial conversation before we started recording, I was just super intrigued by the work that you’re doing at McCann and I really think you have to be leading in your industry. Tell me more about who you are, what you’re doing and kind of the transformation that’s going on at McCann.
Karen Pearce 2:38
Yeah, excellent. I will. Well, I mean, I think, you know, there’s been so much conversation, especially over this past year, specifically about mental health and burnout. But I’ll say even before that, you know, there’s a growing body of evidence that points to a culture that is inclusive of our diverse human needs and supports, physical, emotional and mental resilience creates the foundation for peak performance. And, and also resulting in a supportive environment and hopefully burnout prevention.
Karen Pearce 3:13
So a lot of research around that even I think five years ago, I was reading a report Aflac workforce report, it’s called. And there’s sort of a compilation of over 50 papers that looked at the connections between worksite wellness programs and performance at work, which included overall productivity, less absenteeism, and presenteeism. We’ve all experienced that where you’re here, but you’re not really here.
Lindsay Recknell 3:39
Yeah. There in body, not in mind or spirit.
Karen Pearce 3:42
Exactly, exactly. Improvements in talent acquisition and retention, and increased collaboration. But I think what’s most important, too, is business outcomes. Actually, you know, what you were cheating on your bottom line, of course, when everyone is productive, and they believe in the organization, and they believe that they’re being fully and holistically supported.
Karen Pearce 4:05
So that research kind of existed, you know, I would say five years ago, like it started to really kind of become a little bit more mainstream. And then last year, just, you know, tip the scales for sure. And I think a lot of organizations are just going like, what are we going to do? So when I look at the future of mental health in, in, in workplace and some of the trends that we’re seeing, it really is around this, I’ll keep using this word, but like integrated program, versus say perks, you know, perks that carry a lot of hype, like a ping pong table, or Margarita Fridays, or, you know, kind of those one offs, but they really fail to address the employee’s greatest need, which is feeling cared for in every part of who they are.
Karen Pearce 4:53
So I think that’s a real trend that organizations now we’re looking at, like how do we support the whole employee You know, and there’s organizations like Google, of course leading the way they have their own. It’s called people in innovation lab. And they conduct research and think of unique ways to keep the company’s employees healthy. So that’s pretty cool, because they’re just constantly looking ahead at trends and what’s going on. You know, there are companies that are offering to pay off student loan debt reimbursements, just to alleviate stress that way, you know, there are some agencies for sure, that are, you know, providing in house yoga or meditation or fitness classes.
Karen Pearce 5:34
But today, and I hadn’t seen in all of my research a program within the agency world that fully kind of runs as a program, you know, versus just sort of one off efforts here and there. So yeah, so that was kind of the impetus to reading all this information, again, like my own personal interest in functional medicine and addressing, you know, the whole, the whole body, the whole person, and bringing that into the workforce, which coming out of that, then we created Mfit, which is our integrated wellness program, actually, we call it a resilience program.
Lindsay Recknell 6:18
Which is very cool, if you are using such descriptive language, you know. They don’t feel like buzzwords, to me, they feel like real intention behind them, I love your integrated approach. And you said something there about how organizations who are recognizing that when we integrate our whole selves, you know, every part of our employee, when they are able to bring them home, their whole selves to work, performance actually increases, you know, if you take care of your people, they will take care of your organization. And it’s, you know, all of this research that you’re citing, but also you’re seeing that in your organization.
Karen Pearce 7:05
Yeah, I mean, it’s, we can talk about how we’re measuring it afterwards. It is, it’s a slow scale for sure. Like it is, we call it an unconventional program, because, you know, a lot of people are going I work in advertising. And you are asking me to meditate, and I’ll get into the actual program, but in a minute, but you know, there are, it’s an alternative and unconventional way of looking at supporting an employee. And so, yeah, it’s been a bit of a slow burn, for sure.
Karen Pearce 7:38
And, to draw a straight line from what this program is doing to the bottom line is, is tough. But, you know, it’s still in its infancy. And we’re growing, and we’re learning and we’re kind of adapting as we go along.
Karen Pearce 7:49
But, you know, there’s a great Harvard Business Review study, called How to design a corporate wellness program that actually works. And what is the heart of that is, is, is this idea that compassionate work brings results for individual well being, but also business outcomes. And they do actually talk about that direct line to the bottom line. And just this notion of, you know, a culture that encourages workers to bring their full assets and gifts to work, as well as their foibles and weaknesses. And inevitable vulnerabilities, outperform other businesses. And they’ve got a lot of examples in that.
Karen Pearce 8:30
And if you’re a fan of Brene Brown, which I think most people are now, she gave a speech a couple of years ago at a convention called the gathering in Bath. And she spoke directly again, about, you know, psychological safety, creating that kind of environment, fully supporting an employee, being vulnerable compassion, she spoke about all of this and the connection to innovation, and how, you know, that lights up different parts of people’s brains. So just a ton of research out there that backs it.
Lindsay Recknell 9:04
Yeah. And what I love, you know, people for so long said, You can’t measure this stuff. You know, there is no way you can prove the increase to my bottom line. In correct, even though, like incorrect, all of all of the analytical thinkers that need that evidence base, it is there now. It is awesome.
Karen Pearce 9:27
Yeah, there’s actually, not keep throwing studies at you. But there’s a lot of it through an organization called wellsteps and they did a study as well. And out of that study came some results is seven times more likely to feel included at work employees, four times less likely to suffer from stress and burnout. 10 times more likely to recommend their company as a great place to work. nine times more likely to stay at their company for three or more years and twice as likely to be engaged at work.
Karen Pearce 9:59
So I mean, you can dig into that, that research and I can provide that for show notes afterwards. But yeah, to your point, like, there’s just so much more that’s being connected back to what it’s actually going to do for productivity.
Lindsay Recknell 10:13
Yeah, that’s amazing. Absolutely, we will, we will link all of these studies into the show notes. Because I don’t people don’t know that they’re out there. You know, we really, we’ve been looking, you know, you people have to really look for these kinds of studies, because, and I don’t know why, but they’re not widely communicated. They haven’t been widely communicated. I think we’re getting better in popular media as well.
Karen Pearce 10:40
Yeah. No, it’s what I mean, once you’re in that world, and you read it, it just becomes like, it’s so natural to go, of course, we should be doing these things. Yeah. You know, that there is so much out there. Super validating. Yeah. Yeah. And so, you know, when we were putting this emfit program together, it was sort of Okay, what are the ingredients that we need to make this a success. And there were six things that we focused on.
Karen Pearce 11:05
The first, of course, we’ve talked about is an integrated program, which I can talk about in a minute, just like what the actual program exists of. The second one was really important, we just said, it has to have an educational component. So again, when we’re looking at meditation, we didn’t want to have somebody come in and just teach meditation and like 20 minutes of meditation, it was more like what happens in the brain, because again, the audience that we’re looking at, and people that work in advertising, for the most part, are very curious individuals. And just to come in and meditate, not really know the why behind it is probably not serving that audience the way they should be.
Karen Pearce 11:48
And so we looked for what we call the Mfit experts, on a monthly basis, with different topics every month, to come in and kind of do a kickoff session, which was purely educational. And it was just like, here’s exactly the circuitry of your brain. And what happens when you’re meditating. With really cool examples, like, you know, Einstein’s brain when he meditated, his left and right hemispheres came together. And you just think like, the creativity and the innovation that comes out of that, and how you can kind of dial into your unconscious being. And that’s a lot of the times where creativity lives. So that’s what we wanted to have experts that could really dive into that. So that was sort of the second part was just this educational component.
Karen Pearce 12:35
The third one was being as inclusive as possible. So again, knowing you’ve got people that have never done anything for their health and wellness ever. And then other people that were pretty savvy. So you know, and I, I’ll be honest, here, too, is this is the one area I think we keep coming back to to go, are we making this as accessible as possible? You know, people are always saying, like, I’m in back to back meetings, we’re all on zoom, right? Like, you look at everybody’s schedule, and it’s just, it’s hard to catch your breath. And we didn’t want this to feel like just another meeting in a calendar, which is still hard, right? When we’re all virtual, and everybody’s like, that’s the last thing I need. So we continue to try and make it really interesting. And, you know, some of the sessions are like, put your earbuds on and get outside and we can do this session while you’re walking. So we still try and be creative, and adapt.
Karen Pearce 13:33
The fourth one was celebrating, and, and sort of celebrating progress and rewarding people. So with completion, and excellent, so that was we have a monthly prize for someone who has gone through the 21 Day Challenge. So that’s the way that we set it up was we would have different topics each month. And they included, again, a kind of alternative. The first one was just a plain get active. And then a 21 day challenge of staying active 20 minutes a day for 21 days. And we had Sam Schachter, who’s an Olympic beach volleyball player come in and talk to us about. Yeah, it was awesome. I mean, just that sport is so difficult to get into. So he really talked about resilience and mental agility.
Karen Pearce 14:25
And you know, the whole idea was to kind of inspire people. We did sleep hacks, seven different sleep hacks, which was really interesting to get better sleep, we did a gratitude session. And again, like the science behind what that actually does to your brain, and the parts of the brain that it lights up even with thinking that you’re going to practice gratitude. 30 seconds of the thought that hey, I might actually write in a gratitude journal actually lights up different parts of your brain. So we had an expert in on that. And the 21 day challenge was writing three things every morning. In a journal, we did a yoga practice, we did a sugar detox, and brought in a dietitian on just like what sugar is actually doing to your brain. We did food is fuel. So that was just more about like, hey, what kinds of foods can actually fuel your body?
Karen Pearce 15:22
So, and then after each one, we had these 21 day challenges to kind of help incorporate what was coming out of these kickoff sessions into your everyday. And then we wanted to be able to track that so that at the end of each month, those that were actually completing the 21 days, went into a lottery, and there would be prizes at the end of the month that we would announce agency wide.
Lindsay Recknell 15:48
So like I love it, I know that you’re still working on inclusion, because that, I mean, I know that’s hard. That feels hard, especially when everybody is already zoom, fatigued and all. But I love how holistic it is. you know, you’ve really addressed all the different not only different topics, but really considered the implementation, the maintenance, how to help people to actually make it habit and routine, given the science behind it, so that you’re not just saying this is good for you, because I said so, you know, like, it really feels like you’re meeting everyone, wherever they’re at, which is of course on a scale. That’s very cool, then probably why it’s so effective. And, you know, I hope that you’ll share why you think it’s effective.
Karen Pearce 16:36
Yes, yes, absolutely. And I think again, we continue to work on that, because it is, you know, it’s of the 300 or so people that work at McCann across Canada, you know, I would have a small percentage that join these on a monthly basis because it is unconventional. It’s a different kind of mindset to go to draw the line to mental health. Right? So a gratitude journal is in my calendar. Is that actually going to help my mental health and the anxiety that I’m feeling? And the answer is yes.
Karen Pearce 17:14
But it’s, it’s still like, we’re still paving that path. And it’s still very, very, I keep using the word unconventional, but it is for a lot of people. Like I don’t understand why this is in my calendar and my work day. So, I actually had a conversation with a man, his name is Scott Shoot at LinkedIn. And he’s the chief compassion officer, I believe is his title.
Lindsay Recknell 17:36
What a cool job.
Karen Pearce 17:38
Isn’t that isn’t that the coolest? I know. And I just reached out to him because I thought, wow, this is like, what are they doing? And I thought, you know, I’m just going to talk a little bit about what we’re doing at McCann and see if he’s got any learnings for us. And he actually told me the story of how they got started with an integrated program, and you know, incorporating meditation into the LinkedIn culture. And of course, there is no one like Jeff Weiner, the CEO is known for his compassionate leadership style. So he’s already you know, the organization is starting with him at the top.
Karen Pearce 18:17
But Scott was so great. And he was, you know, gave me a bunch of resources, but said, like, keep going, because it started this way, at LinkedIn, you know, it started with one person showing up for meditation, one other person. So, you know, he’s like a big launch. And then this one person shows up. And then, you know, slowly, slowly, it builds, and it just becomes part of the fabric of that organization. So yeah, we continue to try and tweak, listen to people what’s working, and I think just time is going to help.
Lindsay Recknell 18:51
Well, and they say, I mean, you can draw the analogy to your physical health, right? You don’t run a marathon on the very first day you start running, like, you have like, and nobody expects that you would. So I don’t know why we all expect to have the ultimate benefit of meditation of, you know, gratitude on day one, or Hell, even on day seven, you still can’t run a marathon on day seven. Yes. You know, but it’s hard to get our mindset around that because it is a new, unconventional way of thinking.
Karen Pearce 19:25
Yes, exactly, exactly. So now, when it came to getting investment and buy-in from leadership, you know, what was really, really important, I think, was, you know, the facts and the trends that we’re seeing from around the world. So, a lot of what I talked to you about a lot of the studies that we went through, like there was a lot that that kind of went into what could this program look like and why? What programs have failed, you know.
Karen Pearce 19:54
and as you can imagine, and this is why I love this question that you’re asking. Asking about leadership buy in is because if you don’t have it, it’s going to fail. And so this was huge to get, you know, the Canadian network, executive leadership behind this. So we put together a presentation and we, you know, are fortunate to have what we call the Mfit squad, which is great. I sort of had the luxury of piloting this program for a few years, just out of the Calgary office, when the pandemic hit. You know, it was sort of like, what are we going to do nationally, and it just made such sense to kind of scale this out across Canada. So this became like, let’s get everyone on board, let’s formalize this program a little bit more.
Karen Pearce 20:41
So that came in the form of a presentation, we talked a lot about, you know, this behavior change with people. And them really understand that they’re in charge of resilience, they are in charge of their own resilience, we can help them with the tools for it, and we can help support them. But ultimately, it equals, you know, productivity. Ultimately, there is a straight line to engagement, and to the bottom line at the end of all of this. So just, you know, drawing those conclusions as best we can with the research that exists.
Karen Pearce 21:17
And then it was, it was pretty amazing. Because we got immediate buy-in, in that presentation, we got the financial backing we asked for because we needed to be able to pay these emfit experts, which is just sort of an honorarium, a lot of them were like, this is amazing. And we’ll just come in and do this session for free. So a lot of the funding that we got ended up going to a charity of their choice, which was also a really nice story. And then, of course, we had the prize money at the end of the month for anybody who finished that 21 Day Challenge kind of went into a lottery.
Karen Pearce 21:53
So and then we also got, this was most important, was the CEOs word to join every challenge of 2020. So, you know, during that pandemic, it was like, I’m going to be there in every single challenge. And I’m going to show up and be engaged. And it was great to see leadership, not just the CEO, but pretty much across the board show up. And then they’ve also having time at, we have meetings called Monday morning meetup, which is agency wide. And we made sure that we got time for there as well. And now we’ve got you know, it’s on our social channel now.
Karen Pearce 22:25
So it’s kind of building momentum, it’s more presence for this program. So that’s what it really was about is showing like, Hey, this is what it’s going to do for the organization. Plus, it was just kind of a no brainer last year.
Lindsay Recknell 22:39
Yeah. Well, and your timing couldn’t be better. Really, you know, like you say, you piloted it in Calgary, you figured out kind of, you know, what’s working and what’s not. And then you launch it nationally, exactly the time that your people need you the most. And now, because you’ve been doing it, you’ve got that momentum, that habit and routine is being created. And I imagine that the people that have been with you along, like the whole journey, they would be devastated if some, if it just sort of fizzled out now that you know, the pandemic is over all these air quotes people can’t see.
Lindsay Recknell 23:11
Right, but because I think the skeptics would say that programs like yours will now fade into the background because real life is happening. But I feel like programs like yours have such great momentum that even if they didn’t have quite the champion in you, but other people love it so much have seen so much benefit from it, that they would even keep championing it forward.
Karen Pearce 23:37
Yes, that’s the hope to this program is not, doesn’t belong to anybody. This is the program of, you know, the teams at McCann. And that’s the whole idea. Behind the Mfit squad, we get new people in with different perspectives. And hey, this would be really cool. And, you know, I’ve been reading a lot about breathwork. And I know this great contact here.
Karen Pearce 23:59
So it’s really a fun little, you know, you hear a lot about intrapreneurship within organizations. And that’s really what it felt like is, you know, sort of giving a group of people some freedom just to kind of test this out and see, see how it works and do something that, you know, they’re really passionate about. So that’s been, yeah, that’s been like a nice little side reward, I suppose.
Lindsay Recknell 24:26
But it feels so of course, of course, it’s a reward that’s going to happen, right? anecdotally, we know if we can get engaged in something we’re passionate about, at work or at home or otherwise, you know, we’re going to give our we’re going to give more of ourselves to everything else around us, because we’re feeling so valued and heard and empowered to do these things. I mean, anecdotally, it makes sense. I don’t know why more people don’t seem to get it.
Karen Pearce 24:53
Yeah, I don’t know. And, and quite honestly, I think like I said, once you get in that world and you just start reading about it. All things holistically and looking at the root of the problem, and there’s a great book called Upstream. Oh, shoot I, the author, Chip and Heath.
Lindsay Recknell 25:12
Karen Pearce 25:14
Lindsay Recknell 25:15
The Made to Stick guys.
Karen Pearce 25:17
Yes, exactly. Anyway, he is one of them. It’s not, it’s not both of them. this book- now I feel bad that I brought it up and don’t know the author’s name. But yeah, wrote a whole book on upstream.
Karen Pearce 25:30
And the idea is, you know, I think the story is, and maybe a lot of people have heard this is, you know, two people out by the river, and they see this kid coming down the stream, and it saved me and they go in, and they pull the kid out, and then everyone’s exhausted, and they see another kid coming down, and they jump in the stream again. And, you know, they chase the kid, and, you know, grab them and save his life, and it just keeps happening. And then one guy kind of disappears, and he goes, What do you do? And you got to help me save these kids. And he’s like, I’m going upstream to see what is happening. So that we can stop it at, you know,
Lindsay Recknell 26:06
See who’s throwing kids in the river.
Karen Pearce 26:07
Yeah, at the root, like, what is the root of the problem? And that is kind of what this is about, as well. I mean, I know. There’s so much more that goes into building resilience and mental health. And I don’t mean to, you know, paint it with a broad stroke, because it is complicated, for sure. And the pandemic is really highlighted, I think, a lot of different issues for people that were probably there all along. And it’s a very intense time. For sure. So I think this is highlighted existing issues.
Karen Pearce 26:38
But there are certainly things that we can do to help people build that resilience, because we’re going to, things are going to continue, right, we’re going to get thrown around with the wind. And if you can sort of focus on building that strong foundation and supporting employees that way. And team members, then I think, yeah, we’re all better for it.
Lindsay Recknell 26:59
Well, and you’re right, like, this is a season for us. You know, it’s not it doesn’t end here. And I love that this season has enabled us to have these kinds of conversations, because, you know, like you say, lots of these issues were there for people we just didn’t know, because they didn’t feel comfortable talking about it at work, talking about it with their leaders. Heck, nobody, people didn’t feel comfortable talking about it with their doctors. And I think that this has really afforded us an opportunity to continue these conversations now that the doors are open.
Lindsay Recknell 27:35
And I love to have conversations like this with people like you who are walking the talk as well, you recognize the need to support your people, and now you’re doing something about it and doing something that’s really sustainable, and just becomes part of the way mechanics work. You know, the way that McCann just lives its culture.
Karen Pearce 27:56
Yeah, well, you know what, like I say, it’s, it’s not, there’s still a lot of work to do,
Lindsay Recknell 28:00
of course,
Karen Pearce 28:01
for sure. And it’s Dan Heath, by the way. But, you know, one of the biggest, I guess I was, I was surprised to see resistance with the book. Because, you know, again, you and I are talking, it just seems anecdotally without any research that it seems like a good idea, but there is a lot of resistance for sure.
Karen Pearce 28:24
And one of them, for sure is it and I get it. You know, it’s like I’m working from home, I have young kids, it is chaotic. All of a sudden, instead of you know, driving to a client’s office, which was like a half hour reprieve. Now, it just turns into back to back meetings and, and, you know, the minute someone sees free space, so it just becomes like this, this is another stressful thing that, you know, if I’m not meditating, it’s another stress for me that I’m not doing this. And, and I, I really understand that, that that point of view, until you can actually wrap your head around that a lot of the things we talk about the gratitude journaling, that takes, you know, like I said, there’s evidence that shows even just thinking about writing, it lights up parts in your brain, or taking a call to walk around the block.
Karen Pearce 29:15
Like as soon as you realize that a lot of these practices actually expand your time, because you become more productive because you’re more creative. There’s an excellent study that Stanford did on the correlation between walking and creativity. We have a whole study about it. And, you know, so you just, it’s just a matter of wrapping your brain around, you know, sitting at a desk and kind of powering through and really like pushing through, versus like getting up, you know, doing 10 squats or getting a breath of fresh air or whatever it is and what it actually does for you and your productivity. So yeah, still some work to do.
Lindsay Recknell 30:00
But you’re doing it and that is the part that matters. And that’s the part that matters to your people as well. Karen, this has been such an incredible conversation. Thank you so much for bringing your brilliance to the show. And audience, Thank you for listening to another episode of Mental Health In Minutes.
Lindsay Recknell 30:15
This discussion with Karen was so wonderful, full of examples where she’s made a real difference in the lives of her employees at McCann. I loved hearing how Karen launched and scaled the Mfit program and continues to encourage resilience in her teams and in her leaders. I’m especially encouraged to hear how the other senior leaders at McCann have embraced these workplace wellness initiatives and continue to share their own vulnerabilities as examples of what great leadership looks like. Karen and I both believe in the power of our leaders to create psychologically safe workplaces. And we know that you do too or you wouldn’t be listening to this.
Lindsay Recknell 30:48
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Lindsay Recknell 31:00
you can start supporting the mental health of your organization in minutes by joining my digital subscription monthly done for you presentations designed to engage, inspire and increase mental wellness in your workplace. It’s my pleasure to get to work with people like you, people, leaders who care so much about your employees and want to give the best of yourself to support those around you. I also know how bonker bananas It can be as a people leader, and how competing priorities always seem to get in the way of actually being able to provide the good stuff, that real value added stuff. Let me help you by doing the heavy lifting and you can get back to doing what you do best, engaging with and supporting your people. Let’s connect and talk about the best ways I can help. As always, come here if you need me.
Lindsay Recknell 31:41
Thank you so much, Karen, for joining me today. It has been such a pleasure.
Karen Pearce 31:45
Thank you, a pleasure for me as well.
Lindsay Recknell 31:47
Take care
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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