Creating Psychological Safety Through Personal Branding with Tracy Borreson

S02 | E06 Creating Psychological Safety Through Personal Branding with Tracy Borreson

Branding isn’t just about business marketing. Every single person has a personal brand, and after a year or more of working from home, employees are probably more in tune with their values and authentic selves than ever before. For business leadership, this brings in a new set of questions that need to be answered.

How are leaders supporting their employees in creating their personal brands? Is your personal branding true to the experience employees and clients have with you within the organization? How well aligned are your business values and personal values?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the conversation I had with brand identity coach Tracy Borreson today. Listen in as she digs deep into how leadership can use employees personal brands to create psychologically safe spaces, and how finding your own personal branding can help you find clarity and growth in your business.

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About Tracy Borreson

Tracy Borreson is a mompreneur and brand identity coach on a mission to help leaders who are invested in creating authentic human experiences create a culture that represents their personal brand. With 15 years of experience in corporate marketing, as an employee and leader, Tracy consistently witnessed an inability for corporations to even recognize the existence of personal brands. So now, she’s helping leaders bring their authentic brand voices into their leadership strategies to create corporate cultures with the human experience at the core.

To learn more, you can visit her website and connect with her on LinkedIn.

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Lindsay Recknell  0:07

Hello, welcome to Mental Health In Minutes, where we open the door to conversations about workplace mental health, and help leaders and HR professionals create safe and innovative organizations where our employees and our companies thrive. I’m your host, Lindsay Recknell, a psychological health and safety advisor, a workplace mental health consultant, speaker, facilitator and an expert in hope.

Lindsay Recknell  0:28

Each episode of this show has three objectives, to discuss the future of mental health in the workplace, to identify the best, most successful strategies for opening the door to mental health conversations at work, and to share the top ways we can engage our leadership in the workplace mental health conversation, and have them endorse and pay for a positive culture shift within our organizations.

Lindsay Recknell  0:49

If you’re listening to this podcast, you know that our people need us more than ever, but most of our organizations have a long way to go until supporting employee wellness is embedded in the culture of our workplace. This episode is a resource you can use to start and continue workplace mental health conversations, and my guests will share their experiences and what’s worked for them excited to get going. So let’s dig in.

Lindsay Recknell  1:11

Today’s guest is Tracy Borreson, a mompreneur and brand identity coach on a mission to help leaders who are invested in creating authentic human experiences to create a culture that represents their personal brand. With 15 years of experience in corporate marketing, as an employee and a leader, Tracy consistently witnessed an inability for corporations to even recognize the existence of personal brands. So now she’s helping leaders in bringing their authentic brand voices into their leadership strategies to create corporate cultures within the human experience at the core.

Lindsay Recknell  1:44

Welcome to the show, Tracy.

Tracy Borreson  1:46

Thank you, Lindsay. So excited to be here,

Lindsay Recknell  1:48

It is such a pleasure to have you here. I have loved all of our conversations before this. And I’m sure I’ll love all of our conversations after this as well. But you have such an interesting take on creating psychological safety in the workplace, based on being able to create and live your personal brand. Tell us more about that.

Tracy Borreson  2:11

I would love to tell you more about this. So first of all, I should start off for all of our listeners on a definition of what I consider a personal brand. Because, one, there’s no one definition. And so people can define it in many ways. My way is someone’s experience of you once you leave the room.

Tracy Borreson  2:30

So you might have heard, entrepreneurs might be familiar with hearing that definition of a business by Jeff Bezos, about this experience, and how people feel about your business. And what people don’t really connect is that every single human has that as well. And that’s what their personal brand is. It’s what you feel. And if you think about it, and all of the interactions with all the different people that you have, there is something that you feel about certain people, sometimes you feel like you don’t really want to be around that person.

Tracy Borreson  3:07

But hopefully, what we’re targeting here is are those feelings of like, wow, that was really insightful, or that was really refreshing, or that was really enthusiastic, or some kind of descriptor that other people would leave you with knowing that you’re, oh, you’re like that, and everybody has it. But the problem with work environments in particular, is that we don’t really think that that has a place in the business environment.

Tracy Borreson  3:42

And I went to business school, and I was in corporate marketing for a very long time. And there’s just this, even I did a blog post a while back busting this whole Forbes article about how to climb the corporate ladder. Because most of the tips in there were in direct contrast to owning your personal brand and being yourself and doing things that are a fit for you instead of just like showing up to impress your manager. And so most of the corporate environment has been built without this included, except every single person has.

Tracy Borreson  4:20

And so ignoring it is very short sighted and in the current environment and this, can we call it a post pandemic world yet, I don’t know if it’s post, but in this environment where a lot of people have been working from home, they have realized some of the things that bring them joy that they haven’t been able to get in their work environment. And they’re realizing more and more of these pieces of their personal brand.

Tracy Borreson  4:48

Which means if they’re not taken into consideration in the work environment, people are going to feel a disconnect. They’re going to say like, Oh, well, I can’t like really be myself at work and I could do that. I was at home. And now I don’t really like that before it was status quo. But now I know that it’s different. So I don’t really want to go back to that old way of being, because I kind of like, my new way of being, and being able to hang out in an environment where my values are welcome and supported. And if I don’t have that at work, it’s going to start, it’s going to start to be a problem for the organization.

Tracy Borreson  5:27

So the very first important thing to do is to, for everybody to realize that every single human has a personal brand. And how is that aligned or misaligned with the way they do their work with your organization, because if it’s too misaligned, it’s just not gonna work out in the long run, that’s for sure.

Lindsay Recknell  5:49

I love, like, it’s such an, it’s such a unique perspective. Because, I mean, you even alluded to, we didn’t know what we didn’t know, a year and a half ago, right, we walked into the office, we expected to behave in a certain way, because Forbes told us or our parents told us or, you know, our university told us that this is the way you behave in corporate and corporate land.

Lindsay Recknell  6:13

And now we are so encouraged to be ourselves, because our work environment has required that of us. It’s a super interesting perspective. So, okay, so now that we know, where, where do we go from here? How do we do it, let’s start with the leader. How does a leader support their employees in creating a personal brand?

Tracy Borreson  6:39

This is very important, it must start with the leader. Because if we don’t, if all of our employees now have this knowledge about their personal brand, and how it’s misaligned, or aligned, what percentage of it is aligned with your business and the leader isn’t leading with that kind of information? Then employees are just like, Oh, well, I know more than you just go somewhere else.

Tracy Borreson  7:05

This is like, quite honestly, one of the biggest contributors to this great resignation, right? As people are just like, I don’t want to trade. I’ve used this phrase multiple times when I was in corporate about things chipping away at my soul. And I was like, people will only do that for so long. For they’re like, Am I willing to trade my soul for someone else’s business? Right? Like, if you, a lot of people ask that question, the answer could be no. Right.

Tracy Borreson  7:34

So bringing it back to the leader, a leader has got to have an understanding of what their personal brand is. So if I don’t have any, any inkling of what my experience and bring that back to the definition, the experience other people leave the room with, after they’ve been in the room a few, I don’t have any idea what that is. I can’t manage it. Right, if I don’t have the clarity, I can’t manage it. And so this is one of the biggest places that I do my work actually is helping people just to see, like, the way you are showing up with your people the experience they are having of you. Is that really what your goal is, because a lot of times, I can incorporate there’s like all of these things we just kind of do, right?

Tracy Borreson  8:29

Like we think like they’re just things we have to do, the meetings we need to have and KPIs we need to track and like all of these things, we just like have to do them. And really think about it. And you ask the question, like, why are we doing this? A lot of the time there’s no good reason, right? And especially if you’re looking at it from a personal branding perspective, you get that opportunity to be like, Okay, this environment I’m creating it can even, I’m just going to use one generic example that I see a lot of right.

Tracy Borreson  9:00

So I worked in sales and marketing. There were people who got financial bonuses based on completing their KPIs. Right. So if you got a certain amount of hits on the website, or you did XYZ or made a certain amount of sales calls, you’ve got a bonus because you met your KPIs. But it didn’t have anything to do with how the people felt, right. So it didn’t have anything to do with how the sales person felt making 125 calls a week, it didn’t have anything to do with how the people who received those calls felt, right, it didn’t have anything to do with the alignment of core values for your business. It just was doing a thing.

Tracy Borreson  9:44

So guess what, the people do the thing, right, but they don’t enjoy doing the thing. So they don’t enjoy doing their work and don’t actually drive any results that are in line with your business. Right. So maybe you got some clients, throw those on. If you really wanted to get are those good clients, is it bad money, right? Like, I used to have a boss, that’d be like, that’s bad money, we don’t even want that. Like if they wanted to throw all the money at us, that would be a bad account, it would be just a drain on our resources, we don’t want it, right.

Tracy Borreson  10:16

And when you create the environment, where you reward people, for certain things, and the things they’re rewarded for are not in line with your values. So as a leader with your values, it just is not. There’s no possible way to make that sustainable. Right. So like, for me, I was bonusing all of these people on KPIs I didn’t believe in. So how do you think that affected my connection to the business in a very negative way? Right? Like, my values don’t have anything to do with wealth. Any like, all of my values are about people being served connection helping, right? And I didn’t, I didn’t get rewarded on any of those things. I didn’t reward my people on any of those things.

Tracy Borreson  11:06

So how confusing of an environment is that? Like, I’m trying to maintain an environment that doesn’t even align with my values? So if I can’t know that, then I can’t create something better for my people. And if you are, like if we go up to top top leadership, right, CEO, level leadership, your business is your personal brand. And so the place where people get confused, is that I’m showing up and doing x x things in a day. Right? What are those x things say about your personal brand?

Tracy Borreson  11:46

One of the examples I love to use and this place is because I believe a lot of businesses have cares about people as a value. But what does that mean? Because what I see from a lot of businesses, especially in the like, tech, I have a background in tech. And so like in the tech space, there’s a lot of you work whenever you need to you just get it done, right? Like, we’re good at getting stuff out quickly, right, like new solutions really fast, right? Like, that doesn’t speak to those actions. And then rewarding people for those actions does not speak to cares about people. Right? It speaks to a different value.

Tracy Borreson  12:25

And so you either need to look at it from the present, well, am I Why am I lying when I say I care about people. And I actually care about being more innovative than any other company, because, like, let’s just be honest, there’s people who will come and work for your organization, because you care about innovation above all other things, and you want to be the top the first all the time, right? But don’t tell people that your top values cares about people, you’re going to make them work all the time and not get to have dinner with their family.

Tracy Borreson  12:58

Because to me, as I have a son, right and a husband, I wanted to have family dinner. And when I feel like that’s not acceptable. As part of showing up as part of this culture. We’re not aligned. Right. And so it’s, there’s, I mean, I could talk about this for way longer than first, clearly, but there’s so many things that go into it when it comes to the, at the end of the day, it’s about living your values. And at every level of the organization. real values need to be lived and understood. And hiring and celebrating things. And rewarding people need to be based on those values. And every single person has a personal brand, has values, and your business has values. And you’re going to get the best out of your people when you can create alignment between those two. I’m gonna leave it at that for now.

Lindsay Recknell  13:57

I love this soapbox that you’re on. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. That’s like just nodding along encouraging. I mean, I know that you can talk about this forever, and it’s awesome to hear you’re passionate about it. Um, so a couple though I picked up a whole bunch of things, but a couple of things I wanted to pull out of there.

Lindsay Recknell  14:16

One of them being walking that whole concept of walking the talk, because probably these organizations do think that they care about the people, but their behavior is rewarding them for other behaviors. How do you align? How does an organization align those two things?

Lindsay Recknell  14:40

And then secondly, I would like to ask you because you bring up something really interesting about the tech industry because I also have my background in tech. And they are known for agile, quick, customer focus service delivery, like getting things done as quickly as we can and employees who sign up To work in those environments kind of go in with their eyes wide open. And I don’t think we talk about those environments often enough when we’re talking about workplace mental health. So maybe you could address that.

Lindsay Recknell  15:11

But first, let’s talk about walking the talk in a line and how we align our rewards to the behaviors we’d actually like to see our people execute on.

Tracy Borreson  15:22

Yeah, so like, quite honestly, the biggest challenge here is people, upper level management, CEOs, and quite honestly, CEOs, I’ll just have to say that our CEO is half to be willing to be wrong, which is hard for a lot of people, right, because one of two things is happening here, I guess one of three things, because there is a best case scenario, the best case scenario is that you have these defined values, and you live those values every day. And you have a very productive organization, and you’re probably not listening to this type of podcast.

Tracy Borreson  16:03

The other two things are that you have a list of values that sound good, except how you’re showing up is different. Right? So I can change. So either I can change my behaviors, to match the values, because I actually believe in those values and shoot, pre behavior isn’t matching those. So now I need to change my behavior. or two, I need to change my values to match my behavior. But either way, I need to change something, right?

Tracy Borreson  16:39

So like at that level the CEO has to be willing to make that change, they either need to be ready to say, you know what, these values that we have posted on our wall are BS. And that’s not what we’re about. And we’re actually about this. And that’s what you’ll see living in our organization, which quite honestly, I’m a bigger fan of because changing your behavior is way more difficult than just saying your values are what your values actually are. Right? Like, that’s just about being honest.

Tracy Borreson  17:16

And what I see so often in this values conversation is that people think that there’s good values and bad values, right? Like innovation and wealth are worse values than cares about people and eager to learn. Right? Like, that’s not true. But lying. And then again, like, I don’t think people aren’t doing that on purpose, right.

Tracy Borreson  17:41

But in essence, what you’re doing is you’re lying about your values, I’m gonna say like, you should join us because we care about this. But then you’re going to come work here. And we actually care about this. And it’s just a lot easier to say from the get go. This is a place where people who care about innovation, and making an S- ton of money are going to find their place, because this is what we’re doing here. And like if you’re a mom with five kids at home, and you always want to be at their dance shows, and, and making dinner every night, you probably shouldn’t choose this place as your place because it won’t match you. That’s just being honest. Right?

Tracy Borreson  18:20

And so it’s not that there’s better or worse values, but people think there are better or worse values. So that’s why I always recommend to people is just like, the stop people already know this, too, right? Like this. The other thing, like people who have been working for your organization for six years, know you’re about this, talk about that, right? Like, they already know that and they stayed. So you changing what you write on the wall isn’t really going to impact them. They already know the experience. And they’ve signed up for it. They said yes, I accept this, right? Because they’re that type of person. They’re not that type of person. So just like, let it go, you were wrong. you to find your values. And now you have clarity and just write the clear thing on the wall is hands down, the easiest thing to do.

Tracy Borreson  19:06

Now, the harder thing is, is that you’re like, I didn’t really realize that these actions I was taking spoke so heavily against caring about people, right? Like I didn’t really realize that and now I’m not okay with that. Right? Like I’m not okay with those actions, because they’re speaking so heavily against something I legitimately believe in. Okay, then we need to talk about from the CEO down, including all of the leaders how we’re going to change that. Because one is possible. Now you have a whole company of people who don’t really care about that value either. Right? Because they know that that’s not what’s happening in a day to day, it’s a much more complex work through the structure to make that happen.

Tracy Borreson  19:57

So like I said, I’m a bigger fan of just saying like This is what we believe. And let’s put it on the wall instead of saying like, we need to have these perfect values that everybody else has, right? Like, no, that’s not- no human works that way. all humans have different values to, like, just talk to the people who have the same values seems much easier.

Tracy Borreson  20:15

But yeah, after that realization, there’s coaching, there’s like different team environments, if you have remote workforces on site workforces, right, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of changes that go into that.

Tracy Borreson  20:34

That’s a big commitment. So again, either way, the CEO has to accept that I could be wrong, I’m probably wrong on one of these things. And if they’re willing to accept that, and they’re willing to make changes and grow as an individual human with their personal brand, then there’s an opportunity to do something different. But if you did, I don’t know I just, I’m a big fan of being growth minded, in general. And that’s where we find the best answers. And that’s where our businesses have the best opportunities as well.

Tracy Borreson  21:12

Because if we do care about growth, and innovation, and technology, and all of those things, like, we need to grow as a human to right, and I quite honestly, I’ve never seen anybody grow unless they’ve been willing to admit that they were wrong in something that they were doing before or saying, like, Oh, that’s how I was showing up, I don’t want to show up that way anymore. I want to show up this way. And depending on how big that changes, you might need help and support.

Tracy Borreson  21:39

And so it’s, it’s not a tiny, tiny investment, the number one, so the takeaway from that long spiel is that you have to be ready to admit, you’re wrong. And if you’re not, then you’re not probably not going to obtain the clarity that you want. And then you have to be ready to do something different. At least, like very mentally saying, like, these values were created when the business was created, and realize that we’re not about that, we’re about these things. And so we’re just going to be honest with you guys and tell you on the wall, what we’re all about, and you’ll be able to see it, you’ll be able to see us live it every day, and we’re about living our values. So Did that answer the question?

Lindsay Recknell  22:30

Yes, totally. Well, it segues so nicely into Part B, which was about the tech industry and other industries, high performance, quick moving innovative industries, who, from the outside can see to be a lot. And you know, can contend to burnout people. But there’s also people that thrive in those environments. And, um, you know, you mentioned that there isn’t bad values versus good values. And I think, these high performing organizations, these quick moving organizations often get branded with the, this is a terrible way to run a business because you’re going to burn out your people, or it’s not.

Lindsay Recknell  23:12

What would you say to listeners who are either working in those environments, or thinking about working in those environments, and when it comes to their values and managing their personal brands?

Tracy Borreson  23:28

And, and it really is exactly that it’s about managing your values and your personal brand. Because if you are working for something you are so passionate about. And I think everybody would have this right, if you’re doing an activity, you know, when you’re doing those activities, and you’re so into it, I get like this when I’m reading a book, right? And then you’re like, Oh, no, I’m sitting here reading for like two hours. And I should have gone to bed like an hour and a half ago. Because you’re just so into it. And when you’re working in an environment like that, but you are that into it, you were that invested in making that difference.

Tracy Borreson  24:04

If you are that invested in someone having this technological solution to solve problems, you’re that invested in one of the things that I always saw was that like, technology companies like to pivot really fast. They have the software, the things these guys can code just like Well, my my like I was in sales and marketing, right? So like, I just tell people what they’ve done, but like, you can just like look up a book with three lines of code and do amazing things, right? And like, it’s when you’re that excited about what you can do by writing those three lines of code.

Tracy Borreson  24:34

Like I’ve seen guys who will stay up all night to get a new feature done, because they know they can and they’re so excited for the client have it right and then maybe they take three days off after because this just worked for 48 hours straight, but it’s it’s about that alignment with your personal brand.

Tracy Borreson  24:53

So when I’m that excited to get it done, it’s the same reason why I’m stand on my soapbox on this iCast instead of doing something else with my time today, right, it’s because I’m passionate about people having this knowledge about people, knowing a new way to look at things and giving people a new way, a new way to see it. And I would do this, I would do this over and over a lot of podcasts. During my dinner time, which I normally keep for my family, because this is this sharing this message is the thing that is the most important to me, in my work.

Tracy Borreson  25:31

And so when you have that in your work, and it doesn’t have to be just on fers, right, like this isn’t a thing. Finding the people who are as aligned with your business vision as you are is like, the most powerful thing. When you have those people, they just want to do it, because it’s part of who they are. But if you and I’m sure a lot of people who are listening to this podcast have been on the flip side of that, right, like, well, I don’t really want it like I just worked for.

Tracy Borreson  26:01

I remember one example where I launched a new product in eight days, in marketing, this is just not a thing you do, right? Like, there’s, you need to figure out the features, and they need to test it. And you need to get all these things together while it’s being created. So you can promote it to a PR company who’s going to launch the thing before it’s even launched. And you’re like it just as that didn’t feel good for me. Right? Like that time investment wasn’t exciting. It was something now that someone else told me to do that took away from my personal life.

Tracy Borreson  26:36

And when a company says they care about people, but they demand that of you. And they don’t even bother to understand what my definition of cares about people looks like. And they haven’t defined well for me what their definition of cares about people looks like, which apparently means like you work your butt off and then get a bonus, right like that. I’m not aligned with that. And so I felt burnt out. That’s why people feel burnout, because they’re spending too much time doing things that don’t light them up. But if you spend all that time with a fire within you, it’s just fun. Right?

Tracy Borreson  27:18

So this is this, this is the crux of our conversation is that when you know, when you know what your brand stands for, what values your brand lives on a day to day basis, you can find the people who match that, then when you ask them to follow their passion. They say Heck yes. Because that’s what they’re trying to do with their life. That’s the contribution they’re trying to make. Right?

Tracy Borreson  27:43

But you can’t, you can’t know that. If you don’t, first of all, accept the principle that every single human has a personal brand. And secondly, accept the principle that there are certain humans that are a match for your organization. And it has very little to do with no resume. And very much more to do with who they are as a person to what they care about.

Lindsay Recknell  28:08

Amazing. So what is the number one thing a leader should do to start?

Tracy Borreson  28:19

understand their own personal brand.

Lindsay Recknell  28:22


Tracy Borreson  28:23

And if you need some ways to do that, you should follow me on LinkedIn. There’s a variety of different ways that that is possible, I don’t believe because I believe personal brands are unique. I don’t believe that there’s one way that works for everybody to find that.

Tracy Borreson  28:41

So I am all about creating spaces for people to find that. And sometimes people like to do that in a one on one. Sometimes people need a community to do that. Sometimes people like workshops, right? Like, I’m not going to decide, I want to empower as many people as possible in understanding their personal brand.

Tracy Borreson  29:00

And so I think I mentioned it earlier on in the episode, but the whole your whole ability as a leader to understand and be able to ask questions to figure out what other people’s personal brands are and what their values are, and what they stand for, comes from you understanding what that is for you, and the process of understanding your own personal brand.

Tracy Borreson  29:22

And again, I’ll be honest, it’s tough. It’s an investment. It’s not. It would be nice, it would be nice if I could just send you like a seven point checklist. And you could just do the things and you would know what your personal brand is. The problem is society, over the years, has covered up our personal brands, with information on what we should be, how we should be to be a strong leader, the things we need to do how we need to show up how you need to show up on LinkedIn in order to To be seen as this so that what you need to do to climb the corporate ladder, Forbes has a whole article on it and read my blog about how that’s good or not.

Tracy Borreson  30:10

But we have all of these, all of these societal expectations of what we think we need to do have piled themselves on top of our personal brands. And you need to chisel that away. It’s not, it’s not as easy as just like taking off your winter jacket. And being like, Oh, I’m good. No, no, it’s like, I don’t know how your listeners are.

Tracy Borreson  30:33

I mean, I’m sure you’re familiar with Michelangelo, the artist, not the ninja turtle. But the way that he carved so he carved out of marble, the way he did that was he just got a block of marble, and the block of marble revealed itself to him. So he carved amazing things like the David, by seeing it in the marble. This is what your personal brand is.

Tracy Borreson  30:59

And so you need to do the activity of chiseling away that outside to find the amazing personal brand that’s left in there. Because no matter how far away you feel you are from it today, it’s inside, it doesn’t disappear, it doesn’t go away. It’s just other voices are drowning it out. And so it’s a practice of clearing away, clearing away things. And there’s a lot of things. So it’s, it’s a practice, you have to do it. There’s continual work.

Tracy Borreson  31:30

And even me, right like, I’ve been a personal branding coach now, only that for almost two years, and there’s still things I’m clearing away, right like this is it’s a continual personal evolution. And as you learn more and grow and experience other things, things change and impact, you went a different way. And that impacts your personal brand.

Tracy Borreson  31:52

So it’s, it’s, it’s about getting that clarity, and then finding the practices that help you keep that and it’s the same bringing it into an environment. So if you have that clarity as a leader, it’s not again, like it’d be handy if it was just like this one time workshop that all the employees might do. And then everybody knows their personal brand. But it’s, it’s, it’s not, it’s an environment. And this is where we tie into psychological safety, right? People need to know that it’s fine, that it’s safe for them to show up and voice their opinions and tell you what’s going on with them. And the best way for them to do that is for you to lead by example.

Tracy Borreson  32:35

To say like, this is what it looks like. And I’m not perfect, right? I speak a lot about authenticity. And I love to share these scenarios when I wasn’t being authentic. Because we’re all humans, we’re not perfect, and I never will be authentic 100% of the time. I care more about authenticity than a lot of other people. So I measure myself on a different scale, but I’m still not doing it all the time.

Tracy Borreson  33:00

As leaders, we hold ourselves to this, like super high level of being perfect. And if we can’t expect any human to be perfect, including our leaders. And so like we need feel safe to, like, which it’s not, it’s not just about leaders, creating an environment of psychological safety for other people like you need, you need to feel like you are safe at work to to be your authentic self and say what you have to say because otherwise, you you get slowly, your soul slowly gets chipped away. I just am not. I don’t believe that that needs to happen.

Tracy Borreson  33:40

And in order for us to get past the Oh work, it’s just this thing that’s separate from you. And you turn off yourself when you go there. Like, Come on, guys, this is not possible. It’s not possible. Right? Like we have to accept that we have to accept that people have a bad day, we have to accept that. It’s hard mentally for someone to come to work when their kid is at home really sick right away. We have to accept that. Maybe there’s some training that someone needs to go through their new salesperson and they got their first no, right?

Tracy Borreson  34:15

Like I had a salesperson who was like useless for three days when she got a no. And I was like, we should talk about this. Because the problem is that you’re like, internalizing it, you’re making it mean something for you. Right. But like unless people feel like they can have those conversations at work. You just lose out on productivity with a salesperson for three whole days. Is that the best plan? Oh, this plan is to create this environment, psychological safety at work. And I’m just not sure how you do that without taking people’s personal brands into consideration.

Lindsay Recknell  34:50

This has been amazing. You are so passionate, so joyful, so intelligent and how you speak about personal brands. It has just been awesome. Awesome, awesome to hear all that you have to say from your chair / soapbox.

Lindsay Recknell  35:08

Thank you everyone for listening to another episode of Mental Health In Minutes. I loved hearing Tracy’s thoughts and celebrating our personal brands at work and creating psychologically safe workplaces that allow people to work in alignment with their values. Tracy talked about empowering leaders to lead with their brands, and celebrating those that honor their personal brand identity while continuing to refine organizational vision and values as well. Tracy and I both believe in the power of our leaders to create psychologically safe workplaces, and we know you do too, or you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast.

Lindsay Recknell  35:39

If you loved this episode, please consider subscribing and leaving a review on your favorite podcast player. You can find this everywhere @MentalHealthInMinutes, as well as on the web at you can start supporting the mental health of your organization in minutes by joining my digital subscription monthly done for you presentations designed to engage, inspire and increase mental wellness in your workplace.

Lindsay Recknell  36:01

It’s my pleasure to get to work with people like you, people, leaders who care so much about your employees and want to give the best of yourself to support those around you. I also know how bonker bananas it can be as a people leader, and how competing priorities always seem to get in the way of actually being able to provide the good stuff. Let me help you by doing the heavy lifting and you can get back to doing what you do best, engaging with and supporting your people. Let’s connect and talk about the best ways I can help.

Lindsay Recknell  36:27

As always, I’m here if you need me. Thank you so much, Tracy, for being here with us. It has been an absolute pleasure.

Tracy Borreson  36:34

Thank you, Lindsay.

Lindsay Recknell  36:35

Take care.

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