Leading With Humanity with Ashley Cox

S02 | E07 Leading With Humanity with Ashley Cox

Creating a psychologically safe space for your team can seem overwhelming. So many team leaders think you have to suddenly know it all and have all the answers, which is, let’s face it, impossible.

You won’t know it all right away, and that’s okay. Ashley Cox joins me today to talk about authentic leadership and modeling the behavior that we want to see from our teams. She encourages us to have vulnerable conversations with employees and lead with humanity to help create open and honest relationships, where team members feel comfortable being human at work.

Listen in as Ashley not only shares how we can demonstrate the behavior we want to see from our teams, but why it’s so important that we support them in this way.

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About Ashley Cox

Ashley Cox is the Founder and CEO of SproutHR, a boutique firm that helps women-owned businesses hire and lead thriving teams with smart and simple strategies.

At SproutHR, Ashley and her team help you hire the right people for your team (in the right way), with a focus on values-based hiring, compassionate and intentional leadership, and amplifying your impact. Their work has been featured on the Society for Human Resource Management, ABC, NBC, and Brit+Co.

Ashley is also the author of Transform Your Stories, where she helps women overcome the stories that are holding them back so they can become confident and courageous leaders who impact the world.

For more information, visit her website, or find Ashley on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Mentioned in This Episode:


Lindsay Recknell  0:07

Welcome to Mental Health in Minutes where we open the door to conversations about workplace mental health, and help leaders and HR professionals create safe and innovative organizations for our employees in our companies to thrive. I’m your host, Lindsay Recknell, psychological health and safety advisor, a workplace mental health consultant, speaker, facilitator and an expert in hope.

Lindsay Recknell  0:28

each episode of this show has three objectives. to discuss the future of mental health in the workplace. To identify the best, most successful strategies for opening the door to mental health conversations at work. and to share the top ways we can engage our leadership in the workplace mental health conversation, and have them endorse and pay for a positive culture shift within our organizations.

Lindsay Recknell  0:49

If you’re listening to this podcast or watching us on the YouTube channel, you know that our people need us more than ever, but most of our organizations have a long way to go until supporting employee wellness is embedded in the culture of our workplace. This episode is a resource you can use to start and continue workplace mental health conversations and my guests will share their experiences and what’s worked for them excited to get going. So let’s dig in.

Lindsay Recknell  1:11

Today’s guest is Ashley Cox, founder and CEO of sprout HR, a boutique firm that helps women owned businesses hire and lead thriving teams with smart and simple strategies. That sprout HR, Ashley and her team help you hire the right people for your team in the right way. They also focus on value based hiring, compassionate and intentional leadership and amplifying your impact. Their work has been featured on the Society for human resource management, ABC, NBC, and Britton Co. Ashley is also the author of transform your stories, where she helps women overcome the stories that are holding them back so they can become confident, courageous leaders impact the world.

Lindsay Recknell  1:53

Such a pleasure to have you. Welcome to the show, Ashley,

Ashley Cox  1:57

Thank you so much, Lindsay, I’m thrilled to be here.

Lindsay Recknell  2:00

Having known you, as you know, the wonderful human that you are, I love to be able to read your professional bio as well, because you have so much experience in this space, supporting strong leaders and their organizations through all of the things from you know, recruiting and onboarding through to, you know, people leaving the company. Tell me what it’s like with most of your, with most of your clients these days, when it comes to mental health at work?

Ashley Cox  2:29

Well, as you can imagine, the past year and a half, through the pandemic, has been a challenge. And I think that it’s become so much more top of mind for the companies that businesses and leaders that I work with, to really think about how do we help create an environment that is psychologically safe, that promotes mental well being without towing too far into people’s privacy and their rights and, and things like that kind of on the on the litigation side or on the legal side of the HR world. And it’s definitely a place where people are interested. And also hesitant, I would say.

Lindsay Recknell  3:13

you bring up that legal side of it as well, which I think is really, really important. And I think I don’t know, in my opinion is one of the biggest things that’s holding biggest things that’s holding organizations and leaders back.

Lindsay Recknell  3:27

I mean, I had a conversation with a client this week, who said, You know, I want to do this work, we need to do this work, they’re going to benefit from this work. But all of my leaders are terrified that they’re going to say the wrong thing. Or they’re not going to know how to handle a situation when it comes up. Do you have any thoughts for you know, organizations as an HR professional when they have those kinds of concerns?

Ashley Cox  3:51

Absolutely. I think it’s so important for us to address that head on. Because if we don’t address that part, then you’re right. It is a huge hurdle. It’s a roadblock, it can become a bottleneck. And it can also if we just dive into it headfirst become a really big and very real liability for our companies, whether you’re, you know, running a multi million or multi billion dollar organization, or you’re running a small business.

Ashley Cox  4:19

So I think one of the most important things is to first understand your local and state or country laws. I think that so many times we work up things into our heads, and we make them bigger problems than they actually are. And we have a lot more flexibility and a lot more spaciousness in our laws, that we can actually have legitimate conversations with employees and make sure that we’re providing resources and support and a safe environment. So first, don’t build things up in your head before you do a little bit of research and you find out exactly what the Laws are, the regulations are the guidelines around these things.

Ashley Cox  5:03

And then also making sure, especially for leaders who are working in companies that have, you know, some more organizational structure is to check with your HR department, check with your executive leadership, check with the folks that are in charge. And understand what am I allowed to say? What am I not allowed to say? What’s available to me to present an offer to my team members? If and when I sense that something’s just not quite right, or somebody might need a little bit of support? Because those teams are there to support you with exactly that type of help.

Ashley Cox  5:35

And for those small business owners who don’t have, you know, that HR structure, that’s where I come in handy. And so we can kind of talk through, you know, where are you? What are the laws of the regulations that are guiding this conversation? And also talking through what do you, what do you plan on saying, what do you want to say, because I think a lot of times too, we get, we get nervous about what we’re going to say.

Ashley Cox  6:00

But when we come at it with a lot of heart and a lot of intention, and we’re trying to do what’s best for that person? Nine times out of 10, you’re not going to go wrong.

Lindsay Recknell  6:11

At that last piece. So key, all of what you just said there was really, really important because I think, if you don’t, fears are louder in the dark. I am a strong believer that fears are louder in the dark.

Ashley Cox  6:24


Lindsay Recknell  6:25

So when we don’t talk out loud, when we don’t ask the questions, when we don’t do the research, we tend to even just over exaggerate what we think we know. And we don’t actually know. So check it out first.

Lindsay Recknell  6:38

And that goes with the proactive piece of it, which kind of goes to your last point there, you know, game it out. What do you know, what are you going to say? What can you say? What do you want to say? ahead of getting yourself into a situation where you go? I’m not sure.

Ashley Cox  6:54

Yeah, exactly. And it’s okay to tell somebody, you know what, let me pull some resources together for you and get back to you. You don’t have to give somebody an answer or, you know, provide them with a resource in the moment. And I think that’s where a lot of leaders to get that feeling of anxiety, like, please don’t talk to me about these things. Because I’m gonna have to know everything you don’t, you don’t have to know everything. And you don’t have to know it in the moment.

Ashley Cox  7:19

So allow yourself to take a pause, and just say, you know what, that’s a really great question. I’d love to pull some stuff together for you. Can we talk on Tuesday? Can we talk on Thursday, can we meet next week, because that is the responsible way to approach these types of conversations with your team members,

Lindsay Recknell  7:37

and then actually follow up on Tuesday.

Ashley Cox  7:39

Oh, my goodness, please. Please follow up. If you set an appointment, if you make a commitment, just follow through even if you feel like you’re still going to do it wrong. It’s okay to admit, you know what, this is new to me. And I’m really trying. And so here’s some things I’ve found, or here’s something the company provided, or here’s what I think we can do.

Ashley Cox  8:02

And also even just asking the person, what type of support do you need? Because a lot of times, we don’t even have to have the answer. Because they have the answer. Maybe they just need a half a day off. Maybe they just need an extra long lunch today to help themselves. Or maybe there’s another creative way that they will feel supported in that moment. And so, inside tip, you don’t have to have all the answers. ask people what they want. It’s okay.

Lindsay Recknell  8:31

That also works at home, by the way,

Ashley Cox  8:33

Oh, 100 percent.

Lindsay Recknell  8:35

You know, family members.

Ashley Cox  8:38


Lindsay Recknell  8:39

But you may get I mean, you make a really great point, like, lead with your humanity, lead with your compassion. Start to model that behavior, that you are asking your employees to, to, you know, speak out loud with you and share their things with, you know, their concerns, their challenges, their issues with you.

Lindsay Recknell  8:59

And but you can lead that by also demonstrating that you don’t have all the answers all the time that you are as vulnerable as they are in these scenarios. And I know you have lots of thoughts about authentic leadership and showing up modeling that behavior out loud for your people. Tell us more about that goodness.

Ashley Cox  9:18

Yes, yes. I think that it’s unfair when we ask people to do things that we’re not willing to do. And so a lot of times you hear this phrase as I won’t ask anybody to do anything I’m not willing to do but it’s in reference to like scrubbing toilets and sweeping floors and like, you know, task based things.

Ashley Cox  9:36

But we also have to apply that same concept to vulnerability and authenticity, showing up and asking questions, because we don’t know the answers. And so if we’re going to ask people to share their deepest, darkest, you know, vulnerabilities with us, we’ve first got to show up and show them that we’re okay with getting vulnerable to and that can feel really is scary and it doesn’t mean that you have to go out and like, pull all the skeletons out of the closet or share all your dirty laundry. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

Ashley Cox  10:07

But if there’s a moment when you felt intimidated, it’s okay to say, you know what, when I did this for the first time, I too felt intimidated. And it was, you know, it took me a few tries to get it right. And I failed a couple of times. But then when I got it, here’s what happened. Like that’s really sharing with a genuine authenticity with a vulnerability by saying Yeah, I was scared too. I felt this way too. Here’s how I got through that.

Ashley Cox  10:32

So that way, when people come across New scary, uncharted territory, that they’re okay, coming to you saying, you know what, this is really scary for me right now, or this is really hard. I’m having a difficult time. You know, getting up the courage to do this thing you can say, great. I’m so glad you brought that to me. Here’s how I’m going to help you with this.

Lindsay Recknell  10:54

Yeah, amazing. And it’s, it feels as easy as that like that. Yeah, it feels like a normal conversation that we would feel comfortable having with our friends or with our family or something like that. And why does it have to be so hard at work?

Lindsay Recknell  11:09

You know, do you have ideas on making these conversations more comfortable and not just like a one and done, okay, I’ve done my duty. I’ve said my thing, I would never have talked about it again. But, you know, you have ideas and comfortability and 100% culture change and, you know, making conversations normalized.

Ashley Cox  11:30

Yeah, yeah. First of all, we become the most awkward ducks whenever we are talking to our employees. It’s some kind of weird, you know, shift that our lizard brain makes to say, like, I’m in charge, I’m supposed to Xyz fill in the blank, whatever your shoulds are, you’re supposed to use our that come up for you. when you’re talking to your employees, and a lot of that is you know, culturally and socially conditioned, you know. We have been taught that leaders should be a, b, and c, and that leaders should not be D, E, and F. And if you are D, E, and F, you are a bad leader.

Ashley Cox  12:05

But I’ve learned over the years in my own in my own leadership journey over the past 15 plus years, is that the more vulnerable I am, the more open I am, the more I share authentically with my team members the more they do the same. And the more they trust me, the more I can trust them. And so I think you’re probably not going to like this answer, but bear with me, because this is the answer, it’s gonna take some practice,

Lindsay Recknell  12:33

I just want to be good,

Ashley Cox  12:35

I know. I just want to be. I just told a friend the same thing, I was like, I wish I could just absorb this information and just know how to do it already. But sometimes you’re going to have to, you’re gonna have to fall on your face, and you’re gonna have to say the wrong thing, or you’re gonna have to get uncomfortable and, and be in the awkward before you can be really skilled at it.

Ashley Cox  12:53

The reason I can rattle these things off the top of my head like this, and the reason that it’s easy for me to have these conversations, we can have a lot of them over the years. But a lot of awkward conversations said a lot of stupid stuff. And it’s okay, because I survived, right, we know that we can survive, because we’ve survived all the other things that we’ve done in our lives that may or may not have been super great.

Ashley Cox  13:17

So I think the biggest thing is to start small, you don’t have to come right out of the gate and share the biggest mysterious, vulnerable thing in your repertoire. But start with something small and start in a one on one conversation instead of a group setting, you know, because one on one can be a little less intimidating, start with an employee that you’re a little more comfortable with, or maybe even start with a peer or a colleague, that that’s a great place to really start practicing some of these conversations.

Ashley Cox  13:47

And hey, you know, I might come to Lindsay and say, What do you think about this? What if I said this to you? Do you think that would come off, right? And Lindsay might be able to give me some feedback and share a different approach or a way that she might say it differently. And so we practice in safe, comfortable areas, and then we go and we tow into sharing with our employees. And then we do it regularly. You don’t just do it once and then say, Well, I’m never sharing again for six months, until somebody forces me.

Ashley Cox  14:18

So you know, these are daily conversations. These are weekly conversations. These are conversations in hard moments. These are conversations in light and easy moments. And so I think the more that you practice it, I don’t think I know, the more that you practice it, the better you will get and the more comfortable and more confident you will be in what you’re communicating.

Lindsay Recknell  14:39

Yeah. And the I couldn’t agree more. I mean, when I was a kid, I took piano lessons. And I hated lessons because I just wanted to know how to play the piano. shocker. I don’t know how to play the piano because I didn’t practice Oh, and go it’s kind of I mean, this is a skill to learn. I know that sounds ridiculous, but It’s a skill to learn, it’s not something that is going to be a one and done.

Lindsay Recknell  15:03

And there’s going to be maybe people that are better at it out of the gate because they’ve been practicing it, or it’s something that they, you know, a value they had before. For those of us that this is not something I’ve always been super comfortable with. It has taken practice and continues to take practice, my sisters will tell you, I am not a person to talk about personal things, until I started doing this work, you know, because I could see the value of it, I can feel the benefit of it.

Lindsay Recknell  15:30

And that kind of leads me to my next question for you is, why does all this matter? You know, people keep telling us that we should, we have to, we need to, but why, why does this work matter In our organizations?

Ashley Cox  15:44

Because people matter. I wish I had a more compelling answer for you. But the really real answer is because people matter. And because I think that the most important thing that we’re put here on this earth to do is take care of each other.

Ashley Cox  16:01

And the best place that we have the opportunity to take care of people, every single day is at work, we spend more time at work than we do with our family. For most of us, yeah, for most of us, especially if you’re working in kind of like a Monday through Friday, nine to five job and we know what a nine to five, right? It’s probably like 730 to about 630. And so you know, you’re spending a lot of time with these people at work.

Ashley Cox  16:28

Why not make it an opportunity where you can literally change lives every single day where you can impact the way that people feel in their lives? How valued, how appreciated, how supportive they feel. Because when you do that, and I’m going to get on my soapbox for a minute here, Lindsay,

Lindsay Recknell  16:46

you do it, sister.

Ashley Cox  16:47

because I talk about the impact ripple all the time of hiring and leading teams. You’re not just touching that one person’s life. You are literally having the opportunity to impact 10s hundreds 1000s of people because when they leave work, are they angry, disgruntled, feeling unappreciated, feeling unsupported? Or are they leaving feeling really supported, appreciated, seen, valued, respected? Think about that.

Ashley Cox  17:18

Because how are those people going to interact when they get home with their spouses with their children? How are they going to go through the bank drive thru? How are they going to interact with the folks at the restaurant? How are they going to interact out in the community, you can either influence that towards the positive, or you can influence that for the negative.

Ashley Cox  17:35

And I think that we have this amazing energetic opportunity to support each other, and then create ripples that ripple out and out and out and out and out. And everybody gets to benefit from that energy.

Lindsay Recknell  17:50

Love it. I mean, if you were just listening to this podcast, you can only hear Ashley’s passion for this topic. I mean, I get to see her in her face. Like I’m about to jump out of my chair. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I mean, not only do you see these things, because it’s your job, but because as a human, as a person who really values other people, that ripple effect impact.

Lindsay Recknell  18:17

I mean, it has long, long, long term implications, right? If back to the modeling behavior out loud, if our kids have you, you come home, and your kids see you as a fulfilled, validated, you know, encouraged human being, they’re gonna pick up on that. And they’re also likely to feel those things. And then they’re going to know that that’s the way that life gets to be and look for those opportunities when they start their jobs, and they get into their careers.

Lindsay Recknell  18:48

And so, I mean, this is a generational potential impact that we have. And I think, I think that scope is under recognized sometimes

Ashley Cox  18:59

totally, and I’ve got goosebumps all over. I wish y’all could see like all my goosebumps. Because I think that you’re right, it’s totally under recognized, totally under leveraged and utilized.

Ashley Cox  19:12

And I think that so many people spend their lives and their careers thinking that they can’t make an impact. But even if you’re not leading other people, even if you’re just an individual contributor, and I say just even if you’re an individual contributor on a team, you can still have that same type of impact. We can lead from anywhere, you can lead from anywhere, we can impact people from anywhere, we can take care of people from anywhere.

Ashley Cox  19:38

So don’t let your position Don’t let your job Don’t let your career dictate your level of impact that you can have in this world. Because you my friend can have an impact wherever you are.

Lindsay Recknell  19:48

Yeah, amazing. It kind of leads me to another thought. Um, so speaking of impact and kind of job design, job creation, so let’s say that you’re not In your role, your existing role is not making the impact that you want it to make. I know that being able to design your job has a huge impact on our mental health at work.

Lindsay Recknell  20:14

Do you have any I’m, I’m throwing this totally out of left field. We didn’t talk about this ahead of time. But do you have any ideas about job design and options for leaders for employers to support job design activities leading to more fulfillment?

Ashley Cox  20:32

Oh, my goodness, yes. And I love that you brought this up, I literally just did a whole series of Instagram stories on something very much related to this topic this afternoon. Because we’re hearing right now of it, you know, in the states in the US of the great resignation. And so, you know, we have millions of people leaving jobs because they’ve had somewhat of an awakening during the pandemic, where they were like, Oh, wait a second. I don’t want to work like this anymore. And if my company is not willing to look at opportunities and creating flexibility and better work-life harmony, I don’t like to use work-life balance.

Ashley Cox  21:12

I’m not a fan of Balance. Lindsey, I know you feel the same way. So I’m totally new people have been preached to I think you use work life integration, I believe, right?

Lindsay Recknell  21:19

I do. Yeah,

Ashley Cox  21:19

yeah. Yeah. So you know, integration, harmony, something better than balance, because that just sounds so difficult. Like I think of tightrope walking every, like, that sounds really hard.

Lindsay Recknell  21:30

Balance is not a thing.

Ashley Cox  21:31

Right? Right. But employers aren’t looking for these opportunities to really meet their employees where they are. But we can control that we actually can, because other things exist, then the way we’ve always done things, right.

Ashley Cox  21:48

And so maybe that means you get to design what the work looks like for your team. Maybe you can’t change the whole corporate structure in your organization. But maybe you can work with your team.

Ashley Cox  22:00

So I’ve got one client, who is, she loves to give mental health days, they’re just days where people can say, you know what, I am just not here today, I’m not feeling it. I need some space, I need to take a break. And I just need some time, I need a mental health day, can I take a mental health day and she’s like, absolutely, I don’t penalize people for that we don’t, you know, ding them for that in any way. You need a mental health day, say no more, you don’t even have to explain, we got it.

Ashley Cox  22:31

And then I have another client who we’ve built in buffers and space and beautiful opportunities for everything, not to just be crammed on top of each other. You know, building and buffer to deadlines is something you can control in your role and doesn’t need the permission of the entire organization.

Ashley Cox  22:53

Now, sometimes you have to, you know, go to bat for your team, with the big bosses and fight to push back deadlines or create some more space and things. But you don’t have to change the entire, you know, culture of the organization to support your team in that way.

Ashley Cox  23:09

So that’s something very realistic that you can do. And so that might look like giving more lead time to get projects done to ensure that people have the time and the space that they need to do the best work that they can. That might mean, you know, assigning a couple of people to collaborate on a project so that they have support and they’re not just lost on an island by themselves.

Ashley Cox  23:33

There’s so many creative ways I feel like my brain is exploding with ideas right now. But I think there’s so many different creative ways, we just have to be willing to say, Yep, this is the way we’ve always done it. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Lindsay Recknell  23:47

When you speak like those feel like the mechanisms to support the work, we know, we get to do, you know, so often we talk about the what, and we don’t often share the how like buffer days that feels like a how, and on a project. I mean, I have a project management background, right and a project. It is, of course, we’re going to build in vendor delays or budget increased delays or approval delays or whatever. And that’s, that’s a given, you know, you’re going to build those in anyway. Changing the language and changing the culture to build in mental health days into a schedule. Yes, it feels like a lot.

Lindsay Recknell  24:30

You know, but when you can, but it is something you can control. And we’re doing it in our physical health or the you know, task oriented ways we do things, why the heck Can’t we start to build this stuff in and have those uncomfortable conversations and then just practice them. And that’s it. That’s all you got to do. Yeah, all the world’s problems have been solved. Thank you very much. We are done for today.

Ashley Cox  25:00

It’s just like how we’ve introduced any new concept into the work environment for all of eternity, for all of history is that at one point, it wasn’t the thing we did. And now it’s just normal now, it’s just the thing that we do. And so I think that that’s where we are right now with mental health and mental wellness in the workplace is that it still feels kind of weird and unsure. And I don’t know how we make this happen. But it takes one courageous person speaking up and saying, I think this is the right thing to do. And here’s why.

Lindsay Recknell  25:32

Yeah, yeah, love it, I heard this quote, one of my girlfriends shared, and it’s really stuck with me. And it’s come up a lot since Patrick lencioni. But that’s not it. Five Dysfunctions of a team, whoa, I have that book on my shelf, I can’t see the title. So he has a podcast. And I will link to it in the show notes to people that are listening. You know, never mind my rambling.

Lindsay Recknell  26:00

But his quote is, change is easy. transition is hard. So we can make the change. But then transitioning and keeping the change and maintaining the change and addressing the change. And, you know, reinforcing the change, communicating the change. That’s the hard part. And I think if we can recognize that we can make the change, no problem, right, we can turn left at any time, it’s staying left. That’s the big thing that takes the practice that takes the work that takes the reinforcement and all those things. And even just that mindset shift was really, has really stuck with me. And I think it’s that quote, it’s kind of relevant to what we’re talking about, do 100%

Ashley Cox  26:40

Yeah, better push that because it takes perseverance and it takes tenacity, and it takes stick to itiveness. Right, it takes it takes stamina, like this is like training for a triathlon or an Iron Man or something, you know, like, you’ve got to have endurance, you can’t just go in and say, Oh, yeah, I can run a few miles, and I can bike a few miles, and I can swim a few miles, if you’ve never done it. You know, you’ve got to build your endurance up.

Ashley Cox  27:04

And sometimes that means starting small, and asking for a small change and implementing it and then sticking with it until it becomes a habit, and then saying, okay, what’s the next thing I can try? What’s the next thing I can implement? and sharing? I think one of the things that’s so important is sharing Why? Why are we doing this? Why does this matter? Why is this going to support the organization?

Ashley Cox  27:27

And I mean, happy employees are productive employees, productive employees create profit. So it just makes sense to write from a profitability standpoint, I don’t ever want anybody to think that you just get off scot free without saying, you know, like, Yeah, but we still have to make money, we’re still in business to make money. That’s the number one goal of a business. And if you don’t make money, you don’t exist, and then you don’t hire anybody. And so then we really don’t have to worry about anything, right?

Ashley Cox  27:58

But happy people don’t leave jobs. Happy people are productive, creative and innovative, and they’re motivated. And a lot of that comes from that self intrinsic motivation. I love it here. I feel supported. I feel appreciated. So I’m going to do my best work. And when your employees show up and feel appreciated and supported, you get their best work. And if they’re not, you get like the mediocre work that just keeps them out of trouble. You don’t want to encourage that. Right?

Lindsay Recknell  28:28

No, you take care of your people, and they’ll take care of your company. 100% Yeah, full full stop. Ashley, you are a delight. I so enjoy you.

Ashley Cox  28:38

Thank you.

Lindsay Recknell  28:38

It is so wonderful to speak with you. I just love all of our conversations all the time.

Ashley Cox  28:43


Lindsay Recknell  28:44

And for those of you listening, thank you so much for being here and listening to another episode of mental health in minutes. Ashley has such an inclusive and compassionate way about her easily creating comfortability around mental health conversations. I especially loved how she talked about building those buffers to support mental health. Not all our days are going to be awesome, and we can absolutely support our teams and reduce burnout. By adding that white space into our projects and our goals and our everyday opportunities.

Lindsay Recknell  29:12

Ashley and I both believe in the power of our leaders to create psychologically safe workplaces and we know you do too, or you wouldn’t be listening to and watching this video. If you loved this episode, please consider subscribing and leaving a review on your favorite podcast player, as well as on our YouTube channel. You can find us everywhere at mental health in minutes, as well as on the web at www.languageofmentalhealth.com.

Lindsay Recknell  29:33

You can start supporting the mental health of your organization in minutes by joining my digital subscription monthly done for you presentations designed to engage, inspire and increase mental wellness in your workplace. It’s my pleasure to get to work with people like you, people, leaders who care so much about your employees and want to give the best of yourself to support those around you.

Lindsay Recknell  29:52

I also know how crazy busy can be as a people leader and how competing priorities always seem to get in the way of actually being able to ride the good stuff too. real value added stuff. Let me help you by doing the heavy lifting and you can get back to doing what you do best, engaging with and supporting your people. Let’s connect and talk about the best ways I can help as always here if you need me,

Lindsay Recknell  30:14

and could you hear my dog crying in the background?

Ashley Cox  30:19

I love it. It’s my favorite part.

Lindsay Recknell  30:22

Oh, for those of you who know me at all, you know we have two golden retrievers. one’s called wily and one’s called squeak. That is why we call him squeak.

Ashley Cox  30:31

It’s Appropriate for him.

Lindsay Recknell  30:33

Oh my gosh. So edit this out or not? Ashley It has been an absolute pleasure. I just so enjoy hanging out with you. So thank you for being here.

Ashley Cox  30:42

I say we keep it. I think it just brings more authenticity and vulnerability to getting out there and doing the thing of whether or not it’s perfect. Thank you so much, Lindsay. It’s been such a Pleasure to be here.

Lindsay Recknell  30:54

Take care, my friend.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai



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