SHRM22 Round-up: Closing the Skills Gap

I recently attended the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) conference in New Orleans, Louisiana and had the pleasure of attending many sessions and connecting with a handful of speakers talking about mental health in the workplace. Of course you know this is my happy place!

If you listened to Season 5 of the podcast, you can listen in to those conversations. Nicole Butts and I talked about organizational justice, Wendi Safstrom shared about the need to prioritize mental health at work, and Daryll Bryant talked about how to flourish at work. Of course, there were many other episodes in Season 5, all equally important.

The theme of the conference was Cause the Effect You Want to See, and Jeaneen Andrews-Feldman, chief marketing and experience officer for SHRM talked about this on the first episode of the season. 

I talk about some of my own biggest takeaways from the conference on this week’s episode, and they include connection, culture, and employee experience. And I wanted to hear from some of the attendees about their takeaways too.

Listen in as I get feedback from five attendees and they share their answers to the questions:

  • What is the top mental health skill HR leaders need to know?
  • What is greatest opportunity for employers in the future of work?
  • Where would you start if you were asked to elevate employee experience with greatest impact?

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