When it comes to stress, people leaders and HR professionals tend to face a higher propensity for burnout and overwhelm in the workplace, and they aren’t typically well equipped with how to handle it. Unfortunately, the pandemic has only exacerbated this problem.
Today’s guest has experienced these issues head on, and is here today to share tactics that leaders and HR professionals can use to get past that overwhelm and burnout in a healthy and productive way. Dr. Allessandria Polizzi teaches us her unique resiliency model and gives greater insight into what leadership can do to better support their employees in the face of adversity, build wellbeing, and prevent burnout.
We also discuss why these tactics are so important to psychological safety, and the positive consequences that valuing skills like resiliency can have within an organization. Tune in!
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About Allessandria Polizzi:
Dr. Allessandria Polizzi is a Top 100 HR professional of 2020 and a 20-year HR professional, with experience leading teams across multiple industries to unlock the potential in people and help organizations thrive. Following a recovery from burnout and a depression diagnosis since 2021, Dr. Polizzi rebooted her consulting practice, Verdant Consulting, with a renewed focus on implementing the latest scientific resiliency, burnout prevention, and psychological safety research to help people, teams, and organizations learn practical, simple skills that will help them flourish. She offers training programs and organizational consulting services designed around neuroscience, cognitive behavior therapy, and the ISO 45003.
She is also cofounder of the Kite HR Wellbeing app for HR professionals and shares of-the-moment discoveries on all of these topics via the Be Verdant podcast.
To learn more, visit her website and connect with her on LinkedIn.
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Building Resilience in HR Professional with Kris Tierney
- Compassion and Mindfulness at Work with Scott Shute
- Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
- HR Wellbeing Week
- Kite HR
- Get all the information we talked about, plus YOUR financial risk calculator
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- Follow Mental Health In Minutes on Facebook
Lindsay Recknell 0:07
Welcome to mental health in minutes where we open the door to conversations about workplace mental health, and help leaders and HR professionals create safe and innovative organizations where our employees and our companies thrive. I’m your host, Lindsay Recknell, psychological health and safety advisor, a workplace mental health consultant, speaker, facilitator and an expert in hope.
Lindsay Recknell 0:27
Each episode of this show has three objectives, to discuss the future of mental health in the workplace. To identify the best most successful strategies for opening the door to mental health conversations that work and to share the top ways we can engage our leadership in the workplace mental health conversation, and have them endorse and pay for a positive culture shift within our organizations. If you’re listening to this podcast, you know that our people need us more than ever, but most of our organizations have a long way to go until supporting employee wellness is embedded in the culture of our workplace. This episode is a resource you can use to start and continue workplace mental health conversations, and my guests will share their experiences and what’s worked for them.
Lindsay Recknell 1:07
Today’s guest is Dr. Allessandria Polizzi, a top 100 HR professional of 2020 and a 20 year HR professional with experience leading teams across multiple industries to unlock the potential in people and help organizations thrive. Following recovery from burnout and depression diagnosis is 2021 Dr. Polizzi rebooted her consulting practice verdant consulting with a renewed focus on implementing the latest scientific resiliency, burnout prevention and psychological safety research. To help people, teams and organizations learn practical simple skills that will help them flourish. She offers training programs and organizational consulting services designed around neuroscience, cognitive behavior therapy, and the ISO 45,003. She is also co founder of the kite HR wellbeing app for HR professionals, and shares of the moment discoveries and all of these topics via the Be Verdent podcast. This is a great conversation. So let’s dig in.
Lindsay Recknell 2:09
Hello, Al. Welcome to the show.
Allessandria Polizzi 2:12
Hi, Lindsay. Thanks for having me.
Lindsay Recknell 2:14
It is so exciting to have you here. Today, I am super pumped about this topic. I’ve wanted to speak to a resilience expert for quite some time. You know nothing like a global pandemic to help us figure out that language and what it means to us. So maybe before we jump into it, we can have you share who you are and what you do, and who you serve.
Allessandria Polizzi 2:37
Thanks, Lindsay. Um, like I said, I’m excited to be here and talk about this topic. I have a lot of passion for it both personally and professionally. So a little bit about me. I’ve spent 20 years in HR, most of it in talent, organizational development, leadership development. My most recent role, I was the head of HR for a national hospital company. And but a year ago, I experienced burnout, which I only realized, once I found out my husband and my mother were meeting to talk about my mental health. Without me, that was one of those aha moments. And so I said, Okay, everybody’s talking about burnout. So, got it, check, turn the page. And the pages felt blank to me, I did not find anything on burnout, recovery, burnout prevention, tactics that would help me as a leader to handle my emotions and the emotional strains that I experience in a way that was more productive than what I had been doing. And so I went down many routes. I went, you know, of course, I did Dr. Google and trying to find solutions there. I tried the clinical route. And nothing really worked. For me, clinical wasn’t really available. I wasn’t sick enough. And the other was too fluffy and like nice, but not really focused on tactics. It was all like apps and random coaches. So I decided that I would shift my career and take my 20 years 30 years of adult education experience, and use it to create a program that would have met my needs. So that’s what I built. I’ve read hundreds, if not 1000s of academic studies on resiliency, and burnout prevention, post pandemic recovery, all the things that have been scientifically proven to help people one prevent getting to burnout, thus building resiliency because they can bounce back quickly. And if they are experiencing burnout, what tactics they can do to get back from that. And so, I’ve created this training program. It focuses on understanding the neuroscience and cognitive behavior theories, and what do I actually do with that in order to behave and act differently in a way that’s more productive.
Lindsay Recknell 5:05
Amazing. It just gives me chills to think about the power and potential of that work. I mean, I don’t know that there’s anyone listening who doesn’t resonate with your words, whether they were in full fledged burnout or on the path to burnout and feeling the overwhelm and exhaustion and anxiety that has come over the last two years and beyond and will go into the future. It just feels so empowering to think that there is answers that there’s there is solutions. When we talk about the language of resiliency, what does it even mean? Can you give me give us a definition of resiliency?
Allessandria Polizzi 5:43
Yeah, so on some people will say, Oh, resilience means that you’re happy all the time, or you don’t feel stress, or like you’re the super buff, strong person who can just control how they feel. It is none of those things. Resiliency is knowing how you show up when you’re stressed and being able to bounce back quickly. When those situations happen, I say it’s a bounce back with a higher floor. So some of us, you know, when we go down, we go down, right? And so resiliency pulls that floor up. So you can bounce back, recognize what’s happening with you that moment, and then have tactics for addressing and getting becoming more productive in how you respond.
Lindsay Recknell 6:27
That then analogy, the visual of that analogy makes a ton of sense for me, you know, you’re you’re continuing to raise the bar, your baseline, so to speak, and how long it takes you to get back. That’s very cool. Now, why? Why does this matter? Why? Why does the ability to bounce back quicker and more productively even matter, especially at work?
Unknown Speaker 6:51
Well, one, because we have brains, and those brains experience the worlds. So you know, people ask me, who was your program for and I say anyone with feelings, because we all we all have them. We have emotions and our monkey brains evolved over 200,000 years to spend time being afraid, loot having negativity bias, just many things that we try to control that we can’t. And so what we know about neuroscience is a neuroplasticity is we can’t control but we can rewire. And we can re channel those experiences. I try to also focus Lindsey on to specific cohorts because they are experiencing a higher propensity of burnout. And those are people leaders, and HR professionals. So on the people leader side, I mean, I spent 20 years in leadership development for very large organizations. And to me, as I’ve been learning this work, which by the way, it’s fascinating to me reading this academic work, it’s so simple and clear. And I’m like, How come? None of this has been in the in the business world? It’s just been just kind of mind boggling to me anyway. So on the leadership side, we tell leaders, be vulnerable, be empathetic, have emotional intelligence, go do these things. But we don’t teach them how. And so that’s what my program does. It says, well, here’s what’s going on with you. By the way, your emotions don’t go away just because you got a promotion. So let’s deal with all of that. Let’s accept that being a manager can be hard. You’re always in the spotlight, you know, all the things. And then let’s come up with ways to manage that. So leaders, and then HR professionals, because they’ve been essential workers, the whole, you know, throughout time, even more so now, they are the point at the tip of the spear at this for this pandemic, and what lies ahead. And yet typical cobblers, children, there’s not a lot of effort focused on their well being. And so that’s some of the work that I’m doing as well.
Lindsay Recknell 9:09
I couldn’t agree with you, or especially on that HR professional side I have. I had the opportunity to interview the vice president of the human resource professional association of Ontario, Chris Tierney. And she we talked a lot about the importance of the role of HR over the last couple of years and how, how truly the reputation and I don’t know the the demand on HR has increased. You know, you’ve been in HR 20 years, I’ve been in HR 20 years, we know that typically people just think of HR as this bad place who do hiring and firing and you know, payroll, but now we’re actually strategic partners. So not only are we elevating the role, but we’re getting pressure from senior executives from shareholders from employees, making decisions. And all of this thing, I just I love that you are focusing on HR professionals, especially in this space. How? So? You’re talking about your course, you’re talking about AI. I know, we’re gonna talk a little bit more about what you’re doing to support HR professionals and a little bit, but can you give us any sneak peeks on some of the tactics that leaders can use to get out of that burnout and overwhelm if they find themselves in that place?
Unknown Speaker 10:30
Yeah, I mean, it’s gonna sound silly, but it took me five months and you know, a PhD to figure out that my resiliency model, which is Stop, drop and roll. So in, I know, I know, amazing. But here’s the thing. And this is not necessarily a global thing that that’s taught to us as children. But for those in North America, we’re taught that if you’re on fire, you stop, drop and roll. So you can you know, put yourself out, okay? This is the same if you’re on fire inside. So what you do is stop check in what’s happening with myself, what am I feeling when my thinking, Where is this sitting in my body, all those things, because when you do that, you move from your, your lizard brain, your fear and flight response to your cognitive thoughts. Okay? So just naming that gets you better focus and more grounded. Way better than like shoving it down, pretending it’s not there. So stop drop is to get grounded in your values and your in your goals. So let me just check in with what do I need to do that’s going to move me forward in a way that shows up well, for me in resonates with who I am, and then roll, let’s move forward. Let’s not get stuck there. So we teach that model at different levels of heat, and then leveraging things like mindfulness, compassion, acceptance, which I call the YMCA. Because again, study after study after study showed those three things universally, as ways to build well being and prevent burnout.
Lindsay Recknell 12:09
I believe that compassion has the power to change the world. So I’m 100% aligned with you there. And I’ve also, bringing that kind of language into the workplace is something that’s happening, which makes me very, very happy. I had the opportunity to interview the former chief mindfulness officer at LinkedIn. I mean, LinkedIn, the biggest business networking organization in the world, has a mindfulness officer. And he talked about operationalizing, mindfulness, and operationalizing compassion and bringing it into the workplace, because we do it outside of work, we are still the same person. Technically, at work, why can’t we bring mindfulness, and like you say, evidence and support and research proves that it works.
Unknown Speaker 12:57
And it doesn’t have to be this big orchestrated meditation at, you know, noontime meditation or some kind of like 30 minutes of staring at a candle. Some of us, like me, can’t do that very well. So I, I teach 32nd 15 Second mindfulness exercises, because again, it’s just about getting focused mindfulness is being present in the current moment. And so and checking in on yourself and what’s happening with you. That’s it. And so, you know, when I saw a speaker talk about how the Chinese character for mindfulness is the heart and now, right, so it’s just being present in this moment. And that doesn’t take doesn’t have to be a long exercise, we’re Okay, before we start this meeting, let’s spend half of it, you know, humming or whatever. So, and that’s what I was looking for was practical skills. Because again, I’ve been in that head of HR, or that leadership development or that talent leader position where I know what the business is looking for. They’re not looking for people to have spiritual awakenings. They just want people to be able to manage their emotions so they can be effective, productive and happy.
Lindsay Recknell 14:14
I love that we’re not going to start each meeting staring at a candle. No, no, we are not.
Unknown Speaker 14:21
I tell a story about when my husband and I first started meditating, trying to meditate and he was one of those staring candles and assuming Kendall thing, and I lost about 15 seconds, pick my eyes open. I was like, he’s doing this way better than me. And I got so mad that I like how is he able to do that? I can’t and I’m looking around like it was over for me. I was like, well, fail.
Lindsay Recknell 14:47
Mindfulness doesn’t work, obviously.
Allessandria Polizzi 14:52
Man, that’s not okay.
Lindsay Recknell 14:55
Oh, that’s hilarious. Um, the other thing that I think about when you’re talking about Just a couple of seconds, you know, a few, a few minutes of effort in, in being present and staying grounded and focused, is his breathing, right? You’re, you’re probably doing some deep breathing at that time as well. And that’s something that I learned in the book of burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagasaki. And they talk about closing the stress response cycle, and how even doing activities for a few minutes is enough to kick off that closing of the stress response cycle and breathing and meditation and creative expression and, and all that. But it doesn’t have to be these big effort just to start the process. And like you say about resiliency and raising that kind of baseline raising that floor. Closing that stress response cycle does something very similar, where you do it for a few minutes, and then your body’s like, hey, this works. I want to do it for a few minutes longer next time and a few minutes longer later, it builds upon each other. Is that what building resilience is all about?
Unknown Speaker 16:08
Yeah, it’s identifying the tactics that work for you, right, and then rewiring your brain for some things that are less helpful. So you move away from should you move away from bad versus good, and you say, this is helpful, or this is unhelpful. So one other thing that you can do to break that stress response is to name what you’re feeling, because language exists in our higher level thinking. And it pulls us up from that fear response. So just saying to yourself, you don’t have to announce it in a meeting, I am sad right now. That’d be incredibly awkward. Is when you name it, you use language, and language pulls you up. So just something that’s simple, getting a glass of water. And imagine that water washing away your fears and anxieties, it’s all about really not giving the keys over to your fears and feelings and thoughts, right? It’s about being in control, not control, but monitoring and managing what’s happening with presence and attention and self compassion and acceptance.
Lindsay Recknell 17:17
I love it. I love it. Alright, so now, we as leaders are, we’ve bought in, we are building our resilience at work, we have more compassion, how do we help our people to do something similar, especially in a workplace? Where might be awkward to have these conversations and our employees might be looking at us? Like, who are you to teach me this?
Allessandria Polizzi 17:41
You know, the best place to start, I always say the best place to start with anything is to ask questions and become curious. So instead of I wouldn’t go to tell. So as a leader, just check you just checking with people, Hey, what’s going on with you? I noticed that you were this or that? Or, Hey, let’s go for a walk real quick. And just check in. becoming curious with about people and learning about people, helps you better understand them. And then trust me, they will open up they will share. Well, you know, I’ll tell you what, thanks for asking cuz I’m ready to punch Tracy in the throat. Okay, let’s, let’s talk more about that. What’s happening? Again, questions, questions, questions, leading with curiosity is always a good go to, because you’ll seek to understand and therefore create better bonds and better context for you to understand how to help people on your team.
Lindsay Recknell 18:41
I like what you say leading with curiosity, because sometimes questions can come across as like, pointed, assertive, you know, nosy, but leading with curiosity feels like no, you know, no judgement, just share the facts, you know, tell us what’s going on? Is that, like, how do you? How do you come at it from a place of no judgment? Because if I hear, you know, something shocking to me, as a human, I might, that might show my face?
Unknown Speaker 19:12
Yeah. Well, as somebody who has a really horrible poker face, like everything’s on my face. Again, if I move to curiosity, then I’m focused on Okay, help me and I’m not sure how you got there. Can you walk me through it? Or? Huh? That’s an interesting point of view. Can you say more about that? Or, you know, those are things like, Okay, I’m not, I don’t have to tell you what I think. I’m curious as to what you think. But you have to legitimately be curious. It can’t just be I’m waiting for you to shut up so I can tell you what I think situation. And so and it’s not a you know, obviously when I ask questions, like what are you doing? It’s more like, Hey, what’s going on? Or, you know, I’m sensing this or just, you know, again, if you’re curious Then the questions will come.
Lindsay Recknell 20:02
Yeah, not a What are you thinking? What is wrong with that?
Unknown Speaker 20:07
What is wrong with you? Those are not a question to my teenagers. That’s my teenager. What is wrong with you?
Lindsay Recknell 20:16
Yeah, those are not the kind of curious questions we should be asking you at work. I don’t think
Unknown Speaker 20:19
I mean, I’m sure we are curious what’s wrong with people, but you probably can’t ask that directly. Yes.
Lindsay Recknell 20:24
Right. Exactly. Exactly. Um, so I had a really interesting conversation with somebody a few months ago, senior leader in a global organization, and we were talking about the impact of the pandemic, on their global workforce. And what was something that he was kind of a lesson that he has learned or an observation that he’s had over the over that time, I think maybe we’d been in it for a year or so. And the thing that they mentioned the most was that leaders with a greater skill and resiliency, managed their teams through adversity better. And from that observation, they wanted to teach resiliency, and then kind of performance manage on the skill weren’t or the skills gained from a place of resiliency. So what do you say? What do you think about that approach? And B, can resiliency be measured? specific enough that it can be used as a performance management tool?
Unknown Speaker 21:42
Remember how we said about showing everything on our faces? So let me let me pull those questions apart, can resiliency be measured? Absolutely. And there are several, several assessments out there that you can use. Some of them which, you know, I won’t get into specifics, but there are several out there that are very effective and scientifically proven. Okay, that’s great. And if I with what I’m doing is I’m teaching people resiliency, and then I’m going to measure the impact of that training on the team. Sure, that will give me some insight into if they built the skills. But But two things I have a problem with, with the thought of putting that into performance. One, your level of resiliency, and where you start with is extremely personal. And so that’s like, I’m going to performance manage people based on having a sense of humor, or, you know, like, we’re like not having childhood trauma that makes or depression. I mean, that’s not a very neuro diverse. And also, you know, that shows up different globally, like culturally, just, there’s all kinds of problems with going about it that way. And I can teach resiliency all day long. But if I have a toxic work environment, or I have structures that undermine the ability to create trust, and psychological safety, aim of wasting my time, there’s a metaphor of, you know, gentleman had a pond, fish kept dying, he kept replacing the water replacing the fish, he didn’t realize that the filter was broken. So if you don’t have the structures in place to help people thrive, it doesn’t matter if I teach them resiliency, if they can’t breathe. So there’s just looking at the individual person puts a lot of dependency on that person where you may have and doesn’t give you the insight, you need to really understand, have I created the structures, right, the structures in place to encourage this behavior. So, but one of the things I struggled with was psychological safety, in how it’s being understood, is that people are seeing it as just being nice. And that’s not what psychological safety is. In fact, the International Standards Organization ISO came out with standards this summer. The ISO 45,003, which I love, they’re the global guidelines for psychological health and safety. And they talk about three things, the structures in your organization, things like org structure, role clarity, processes, the expectation and behaviors. Okay, so that’s what people usually go to, and then the environment in which your organization, you know, exists. And so you have to look, contextualize, how do people show up when it comes to resiliency, if I’m expecting people to burn through, you know, hot coals and then they’re complaining about their feet hurting like I can’t measure on whether or not their feet hurt.
Lindsay Recknell 24:54
So amazing, so amazing. I love what you said about the environment needing To be conducive to doing this kind of work to having this kind of growth, psychological safety is my jam, like helping organizations create psychological safety from a place of the mechanisms and standards and policies and procedures to support that. There’s this awesome quote that I’m going to get wrong. But we’ll put into the put into the show notes that talks about this is the whole idea of, if you’re, it’s an analogy of, if your employees or your organization, the people that work at your, at your organization, are cucumbers, and your environment is a jar of vinegar, you cannot prevent your cucumber is for turning into pickles. He says that’s not their fault. Right, butchering the analogy, but is that, but it’s the whole idea like you, I believe that there’s a responsibility for the organization, and the people at the organization to both contribute to creating psychological safety, right, it is our responsibility as individuals and humans to grow, to be to be better to do the things to feel healthier, and support each other and all those things. But it is the organization’s responsibility to create an environment where we actually can do that,
Unknown Speaker 26:21
then where those behaviors are rewarded. Totally. So by reward the opposite behaviors through bonuses, through highlighting, and how we communicate in resource allocation. If I that’s me rewarding that behavior. And so to really understand your business and look at your culture, you have to look at the whole package, you can’t just have this laser focus on people feeling stressed, like that’s just not gonna, you’ll get a little bit of movement, but you won’t get where you want to be. And so what we teach this is where we teach a three tiered system, we teach at the individual level, we teach at the leader level, and then we have organizational effectiveness, organizational resiliency, and what are the key components in known and proven psychosocial hazards that will undermine your ability to be effective and accelerate burnout. And so if you look at those, they’re not difficult to find, you probably already know what they are, but no one talks about it. And so just going in with that, and understanding that can help you immensely.
Lindsay Recknell 27:32
psychosocial factors, workload ballads, psychological safety, all of those things.
Unknown Speaker 27:39
role clarity, I keep talking about role clarity, because the simple one for me to explain, and people get it right is that if I don’t know what’s expected of me, or what good looks like, and I work really hard, my chances, I mean, I’m shooting in the dark, right? So my chances of being successful, a feeling valued, have have that working well, or very low. And so just doing something so simple as OKRs, or however you set up shared goals. So we’re all working towards the same things. We all understand what our roles are. And we don’t have overlap, confusion. I go through the whole thing and the leadership training, but you know, that has nothing to do with what’s happening with me emotionally, or with mental health.
Lindsay Recknell 28:32
But it sure has, it sure contributes to your success. And the way you show up at work.
Unknown Speaker 28:37
Absolutely. And again, the study after study after study shows, these things impact the effectiveness of the team, the ability to drive innovation, increase in, in decreases in burnout, retention, I mean, you name it, it these things impact. And so I call it like the PPE for the inside of your people. You look at the outside. Let’s have PPE for the inside.
Lindsay Recknell 29:04
Yeah, amazing. Amazing. All right. So if there’s one thing, one place that a leader could start to make an impact on their team today, what would that be with themselves?
Unknown Speaker 29:19
Because supervisors are the number one cause, I mean, 60% of the causes of burnout come from the supervisor. So don’t worry about your people until you got your own stuff together. So it let’s say that you’re you’re feeling good. You’ve done your work, right? You’re implementing some of these models, tactics, you feel like things are happening. The next thing to do is talk to your team and see if that’s right. Right, you may think you’re killing it, and they may think you’re killing them. You know, open up those channels and get some feedback, but the best place to start is with yourself.
Lindsay Recknell 29:58
Amazing. Yes. Thank you very much. This has been incredible. We promise that we are going to talk about HR professionals and the work you’re doing to support HR professionals. Can you tell us a little bit about what’s happening this week for you?
Lindsay Recknell 30:11
Yes, absolutely would love to. So I am doing a couple things for HR professionals, one, a couple of my friends and I organized an HR wellbeing week for this week, the week of the 18th of January. And so we have 27 different instructors teaching, it is not about wellbeing for your team, it is about wellbeing for you. And yes, can you apply it to your organization? Sure, I would everyone presenting love to talk to you about that, of course they would. But we wanted a specific week, dedicated to HR professionals. So HR will be in week, this coming on Friday, so Today’s our last day. But if you sign up for the VIP pass, you’ll get recordings of most of the sessions. And then also, if you’re interested, that also includes an hour with me, and my co my co sponsors. The second thing that I’m doing for HR is something called kite HR. So it’s a joint venture with myself and a woman Hannah Hardy Jones, in New Zealand, both former HR professionals, we pulled our resources together. And we have created a dedicated well being app, a micro learning app, just for HR. And it is a beautiful daily tip. Again, designed for the unique needs of the HR professional. So it talks about things like loneliness, compassion, fatigue, toxin handling, how to handle difficult clients, when you feel guilty after a riff, you know, those are the things that we handle that most people don’t deal with on a day to day basis. And so that’s what this app is designed to do. So I would recommend if people are interested, you can go to my website, it’s Verdun consulting dotnet. Under industries, there’s an area called HR. And so you can find all of this there. But what I’d like to do at Lindsay is just make it super simple is I’ll just put a page for your listeners. So if you go to Verdun consulting.net/mental, then you’ll be able to get the information we just talked about plus, that includes a calculator. So if you’re trying to make the business case to executives, I’ve pulled all the data based on the research. And it will calculate to you your financial risk by not addressing the emotional well being of your teams. And so that will give you some nice quantitative data, which executives love based on scientific research. So I’ll put all those things online.
Lindsay Recknell 32:44
I love it. I absolutely love it. That is the number one question I get is How do I convince my senior managers that this matters, and that there’s an actual economic cost to it. So that is brilliant. This has been an incredible conversation, what a way to start my day. Thank you for bringing your brilliance to the show. You have you have dropped so much goodness and tactics and real things that people can use. And that is what we’re all about here. So thank you so so much for joining us.
Unknown Speaker 33:15
Oh, thank you, Lindsay. It’s so much fun to talk about this topic, because it’s critically important as we continue to move forward in a continuingly challenging time.
Lindsay Recknell 33:27
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s not, it’s not going to be awesome, magically, you know, tomorrow, right? This is just one, one resilience, building opportunity, followed by the next resilience building opportunity. I mean, these are the skills that just make us successful in life. And so I just, it’s so important to be able to talk to them. And I’m so fortunate to have met you to get to have these conversations. Really appreciate it and look forward to our next conversation.
Allessandria Polizzi 33:58
Awesome. Thank you so much. Take care.
Lindsay Recknell 34:01
Thank you for listening to another episode of mental health in minutes. I absolutely loved this conversation with Allessandria, because she combines science with practicality, shared literal scripts on how to ask your team questions about their well being from a place of curiosity and compassion. And we had a really passionate discussion around training for and measuring resilience in leaders at work. Al and I both believe in the power of our leaders to create psychologically safe workplaces and we know you do too, or you wouldn’t be listening to this.
Lindsay Recknell 34:31
If you love this episode, please consider subscribing and leaving a review on your favorite podcast player. You can find this everywhere at mental health in minutes, as well as on the web at www.languageofmentalhealth.com. The thing we do best at mental health in minutes is open the door to conversations about mental health at work. And episodes like this give us real things we can try to truly make a difference. I know you’re making a difference in your workplace or you’d really like to be or you wouldn’t be listening to podcast episodes like these ones. I’d love to help accelerate your impact. At work, help you really move the needle on mental health maturity in your workplace and get people to a place where they’re feeling less stressed, more fulfilled, and able to integrate work and life in a way that works for them and your organization. Being a people leader is especially hard right now, you might feel like you’re managing both up and down the corporate ladder. And if the thought of figuring out how to best support your people and yourself feels overwhelming and impossibly hard, let’s talk let me help you by doing the heavy lifting but resources and materials along with training and facilitation. And you can get back to doing what you do best engaging with and supporting your people. I have many ways to support you from full service hands on the guidance and support from afar. So let’s chat about what works best for you and your people. As always, I’m here if you need me
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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